Sunday, October 20, 2013

Footing the War Footing

Dear Family, Friends,  and Colleagues,

Few have ever written so succinctly about the present links of the American war economy to the American war foreign policy as in this piece by William J. Astore reposted by TomDispatch:!_what_is_it_good_for_profit_and_power/#more

Love, Peace, and Hope,
James Manista

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Identifying With the Victims of War in Afghanistan

Dear Family, Friends, and Colleagues,

Recent news reports indicate that despite the regular 4 to 5 average weekly
deaths of American soldiers in Afghanistan (scheduled to close at the end of
2014) few of us even remember that a war is continuing there. 

4.5 x (52+13) = 292 dead Americans still to go.

And if those deaths are likely to be ignored, how many more deaths in the
nations we cavalierly trample will also escape our attention? Are we too busy
to turn away from the stark realities of Dancing With the Stars, NCIS, Breaking
Bad, Mad Men, or America's Got Talent?

Please take a look at Nick Turse's article linked below for a brief and pointed
reminder that our 292 dead Americans--tragic as that loss will be--does not
compare with the suffering of the people among whom we prosecute our wars:

The closest we've come to war on our own land in the last two generations
is 9/11. How would we feel about war if we suffered something like a 9/11
every day for 12 years?

Love, Peace, and Hope,
James Manista