I’ve been watching YouTube
Videos waiting for my cat
Sophia finally to drag her
Gallivanting furry butt in at
Night so we can all get to bed.
From College Humor to films
Explaining how to fly WWII
Fighters, how to build houses
In the third world with mud
Packed into bricks, how to
Properly pop pimples--I’ve
Even clicked on televangelists
To see what I’m missing, and
Discovered a whole realm
Of willful ignorance inside a
Citizenry rich in education.
I may be overestimating
The intelligence of average
Americans as I watch Kenneth
Copeland and Creflo Dollar
Openly warp religious texts to
Scam the faithful of the last
Pennies of their retirements or
Final hundred to max out their
Credit cards. Historically we’ve
Been notably cheatworthy from
Snake oil to the machinations of
Bernie Madoff. Plying the trade
Today is the narcissist Donald J.
Common to these swindlers is
The enablingly unchecked jones
Of the victims for easy wealth,
Untroubled resolution of
Individual or national disquiet.
They want answers so deeply
They will not critique anyone
Who promises them Easy Street
A little way down an easy road.
The Prosperity shysters call for
Seeds of a thousand dollars to be
Planted (given to their ministries)
And promise the return will be
“An hundredfold” as it is written
In their holy book. Those late-
Night/early morning investment
Counselors reprise the claim:
“Follow our rules and you will
Outperform the market by
Fifty, one hundred, two hundred
Percent. Set your own goals.”
Unsafe neighborhood? I’ve got
The answer. Need a job? We’ll
Bring your old one back from
Mexico. Upset that we’re losing
Wars? I’ll win them. I’ve got
A plan for anything that ails
You. You don’t need no educated
Theologians, no experts who have
Both won and lost on Wall Street,
No politicians who’ve got years
Of solid experience. It’s all so
Much easier than you think:
Just give me your tithe, your
Money, your vote. The blessing
Is on its way. Your monthly
Statements will show how your
Shares and profits are growing.
Watch me. What have you got
To lose? I’m the only one who
Can handle ISIS, your taxes,
Your jobs. I’m a businessman.
I know how to create jobs. I
Employ thousands. Solomon,
Opening Proverbs, states
His purpose: To teach
Shrewdness to the simple,
Knowledge and prudence
To the young—let the wise
Also hear and gain in learning,
And the discerning acquire skill,
To understand a proverb and
A figure, the words of the
Wise and their riddles. The fear
Of the Lord is the beginning
Of knowledge; fools despise
Wisdom and instruction. The
Combination of greed and
Infantile will is why so many
Of our Bible-belted brothers
And sisters turn from real
Knowing to place their hopes
In charlatans.
c, J.S.Manista, 2016