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Red is for seeing reality; blue is for blissful ignorance |
She said, “I don’t believe in God.”
If you don’t know a person well
You can’t really tell what they
Mean when they say that. It could
Mean she has rejected the Sunday
School God, the great Santa
Claus of heaven, who dispenses
Life’s joys and comforts. Many
Have forsaken this God who
Forsook them first: the God
Who took the beloved parent;
The God of the infant born dead;
The God of the drunken driver
Who killed their kid in the street.
God’s failures began with toys
Not received, championships
Unwon, promotions missed,
To sickly, burdensome spouses,
Alcoholic children, to good men
Who died in war when cowards
Escaped. This God who sustains
My breathing has given me a
Bad heart? This God plays
Favorites who get all they need,
All they want, and fulfilled,
Die quietly in their sleep. Do
You need proof there is no
One guiding the stars in their
Courses? Look from atop the
Parapets on the wicked who
Prosper while His beloved sons
And daughters suffer disease
And death, pestilence, enemies
Slaughtering their sons, raping
Wives and daughters, sisters,
Laying waste proud monuments.
Great order in the exploding
Universe? A numbskull manager
Of a third rate coffee shop rules
More wisely. Whole nations have
Peopled themselves into poverty
Eating their seed grain before it
Can die in the baked hardened
Earth. This is how He generously
Supplies His progeny? Somewhere
Along her path she consumed
The red pill and is convinced she
Knows all as things really are.
You keep taking the blue pills
Of willful pretense in a world of
Design and purpose, blissfully
Ignoring evidence to the contrary.
Her honesty stunned me. Always
Presuming myself an expert on
Human nature, I did not see this
Coming. Just as there are many
Types of atheists and many types
Of believers, some likely doubt
Their decided rejection just as
Those who doubt their professed
Belief. I have no arguments to
Dissuade atheists which they
Do not already know and
Find unconvincing. The
Proofs of God are no aid here.
The proven Gods are devoid
Of content—who are known
Only as unknowable. At least
With Euclidean theorems we
Learned about triangles.
c. J.S.Manista, 2016