Thursday, March 2, 2017

20170303 (bully)

Mobile North Korean ICBM on display in Pyongyang 2012 "It would be wonderful, a dream would be that no country would have nukes, but if countries are going to have nukes, we're going to be at the top of the pack." Dump to Reuters the morning of his address to CPAC.

Since my grade school days

The insecure have had to be

Violent—at least potentially.

But to make the potential

Credible those insecure have

Had to actually wreak among

Their peers physical pain 

If not physical damage.

It’s no less true on schoolyards

Today, unless somewhere a

Progressive elementary exists

Where they’ve drugged the 

Youngsters’ subconsciouses

Into an Edenic somnambulance,

Where all activities are cooperative

Not competitive, where all win

Lest any hint of the glories of

Dominance threaten the calm.

To me, in the age of Dump, this

Is all vaguely masked Lord of the

Flies theory performing on the

World stage with alarming

Accuracy. The orange orangutan

Is as ready to rush to the fight

As Obama the Nobel Peace

Prize awardee proved early in

His first term. No sooner than

The laurels were placed did the

Young president disappoint his 

Champions by reading a speech

In defense of military actions.

Not at all what they’d hoped

When they thought to honor the

African-American who spoke

Courageously of peace to his

Muslim and Arab counterparts

At Cairo University in 2009. It was

A feint, a deceit commonplace

Among warring rivals, for he was

At the same time authorizing

Drone strikes in numerous

Countries with which the US

Had not declared war. He tried

To walk away from the venture

In Iraq on a technicality only 

To return in a year or so later—

This time with no “boots

On the ground,” only bombs

Temporarily overhead. Ah, the

Poetry of conflict: friendly fire,

Collateral damage, fog of war,

Surge. He has left to a man far

Less measured his promise to

Spend a trillion dollars over

The next ten years to upgrade

Our already planet-evaporating

Arsenal, to a man who confesses

His comprehensive ignorance by

Asking, “We have nukes. Why don’t 

We use them?” W relaxes in his 

La-Z-Boy, a little shaken by the 

Rash talk of an arms race and the

Risk of obliterating all humanity,

But comforted nonetheless that

He is no longer the dumbest 

American president.

c. J.S.Manista, 2017

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