Thursday, March 2, 2017

20170302 (irony)

Laugh while you can, you bastards. You haven't seen the last of me. Dump enduring his mini-roast at the hands of Seth Meyer and President Obama, White House Correspondents' Dinner 2011

How did the electorate get so dumb

As to vote in significant numbers

And risk placing in power a gang

Of bandits over supposedly the

Strongest, richest, most educated

Nation in the world? Well, the 

Gamble paid off--in a sense. They

Now have what they wished for

In spades: an airhead in charge

Of Education; a polluter atop the

Interior; a liar leading Justice; 

Generals who prefer war over

Peace at Defense; swindlers

In Treasury and Commerce;

And at State a man who rates

Countries’ value on their oil

Potential; among other demons.

The scrambling to flesh out

His cabinet and agencies may 

Have been due to the party’s

Confidence he would lose,

And lose “bigly” (I couldn’t

Avoid that). So when returns 

Came in, like the sparks

Ascending Frankenstein’s

Jacob’s ladder, his candidacy

Began to twitch with possibility.

The faint of heart came to their

Feet shouting in unison, “It’s 

Alive! It’s alive,” tremulously

As they had no idea exactly

What they had brought into being.

Like any cretinous conception

Mistakes were made and quickly

Denied scrupulously as they

Watched their creation rise

To the occasion allowing (as I

Said) numerous stumbles along

The way: alternative facts,

Frederick Douglass, one-state

Two-state—whatever, as many

Nukes as it takes to put us at the 

Top. The creature has gone out

To meet the people, reliving the

Glory of his campaigns, wallowing

In the adulation of imagined large

Crowds, taking special care not

To “boogah-boogah” his helpful,

White-hooded compatriots.

Now, having spoken formally

To the congress and the nation,

He is again lauded for his rare

Self control, for his thoroughly

Retrograde vision, and nervous

Back and forth delivery from

Teleprompter right to teleprompter

Left. “Look, look,” cried the 

Townspeople, “The monster can

Speak almost as well as his TV

Persona.” After he has jerked every

Tear possible from an abused 

Soldier's widow, and every handclap

Possible from the fawning crowd

They bow down before him. 

“I promised you jobs, clean 

Air and water--winning wars. 

Good luck with all that.”

c. J.S.Manista, 2017

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