Friday, June 1, 2018

Defending Samantha Bee (and not Roseanne Barr)

Evocative Ivanka

Provocative Ivanka

Sam Bee had every right to call

Ivanka Trump a feckless cunt

On cable TV.  But Roseanne Barr,

Whose hateful racist tweets—even 

Though they were intended

For a private (?) audience of her

Declared “followers”—merited

Loss of a national broadcast TV

Platform. First, Roseanne: In this

Country no one is allowed to deny

The historic oppression of blacks

Or to harbor ignorant opinons

About their descendants except 

The current president for whom

There is--apparently--no hope.

To denigrate recognized powerful

Black women such as Valerie Jarrett 

Or Condoleeza Rice without citing

Justification of some action or policy

Deserving condemnation can 

Only be deemed racist especially

In the light of the hatred implied

In comparing them to apes.

But ABC, foisting Ms. Barr

Back on the national scene,

Knowing full well her cockamamie

Background?  Did they think viewers

Wouldn’t notice? Or were they

Urging us to let bygones be

Bygones? Perhaps they took a shot

In the dark expecting to placate 

The base of the Numbskull-

In-Chief? Or, more plainly, since

Barr gave no reason for likening

Jarrett or Rice to simians and further

Left no course to redeem themselves

Except by not being Black in public

What were we to think? Ms Bee, 

Who too quickly apologized for 

Her prickly slur, is taken to task

Not for her position on Ivanka’s

Behavior but because she, Bee,

Used a "forbidden word" before a

Late night, limited audience.

In this day of open talk about

Pussies (brought on by her father's

Remarks) can one expect the good

Old Saxon coinage NOT be far behind?

“Blowjobs,” once regarded as coarse

Speech of whores and Johns (capital J 

For sex workers' clients; lower-case j 

For toilets) entered our lingua franca 

Thanks to the feckless Bill Clinton, 

Who flagrantly and repeatedly misused

The power of his office to waylay 

A naive intern for a little crotch joy--

Public and family be damned. Ms Bee

Understood the message of Ivanka's

Madonna and child post and noted 

Ivanka might sway her father to

Revise his abhorrent policy of separating

Immigrant children from their parents.

She could wear something low cut and

Incestuously lean against her father

While pleading mercy for immigrant

Families. Ivanka could, but she won't

Since the children of immigrants 

Are no more real to her than their

Mothers. Unlike Roseanne who

Closes the door for all Blacks,

Ms Bee despairs Ivanka will do

The right thing. Critics complain Bee’s

Choice of wording cost audience 

Sympathy on the real issue. I think not

Had Bee stated, “Worthless twat,”

Or “Stupid pussy,” her words wouldn'

Have had the intended effect.

No, like mother to mother, Ivanka’s

Useless preening earned the word 

Women reserve for feckless cunts.

c. 2018, JSManista

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