It's dangerous to leave me
Alone in a roomful of high
Decor magazines flush with
Examples of luxury real
Estate. I quickly observed what
Cannot be more luxe? What
Room could not be larger,
Or ceiling higher? Why settle
For a plain ceiling, cornice
Molding at least. That's too plain
Join multiples of contours until
They wave in and out, colors,
Gold leaf applied on the
Edges or within the hollows.
With a broad base, dentils
Supporting. Improve the lighting:
Toss the simple white globe for
A multi-branched sparkling
Glass chandelier lit by several
Levels of candles, brightness
Varied by dials at either
Entrance or with a handheld
Remote. Decor at the base
Must seem to flow, waves,
Fleurs de lis, a grand medallion
Matching the rope applique
Set three feet away from
The walls. Since the ceiling
Now must be higher there'll
Be room for picture and chair
Rail, stained, polished oak
Raised paneling to give
The room a masculine flair.
In that case we'll trade in wall-
To-wall carpet for parquetry
Contained in an inlaid rope,
Scratch that for marble intarsia
Something like the floor of
St. Peter's to give it acoustics.
Solid polished brass door
Handles on tall French doors
At least three inches thick
For each of the entrances,
Five hinges per door to hold
The weight. My very generous
Children have offered me a
Grandpa suite for my anticipated
Invalidity and proposed I
Could make my wishes
Known when the architect visited.
Should they conclude these
Suggestions beyond the pale,
I won't insist on the crimson
And gold silk moire wall
Covering and the paired
Art Nouveau chromium
Sconces on each of the four
Walls. I'm nothing if not
c. J.S.Manista, 2015