Thursday, December 17, 2015

20151221 (willful ignorance)

Yesterday I watched an interview

With Shaker Aamer formerly a

Detainee at Guantanamo which

Shook me considerably. I posted

It on my FB page and urged people

To watch it but to be cautious as 

It would be quite upsetting to hear

That we good Americans so readily

Administered such mistreatment to

Another human being. I also posted

That it’s been a year since Diane

Feinstein’s Senate investigative

Committee on torture published 

The 600 page summary of their 

7,000 page findings still under 

Wraps for some reason I can’t recall. 

Oh yes. It’s because the intelligence 

Agencies would rather NOBODY 

Read it—it’s the technical reason

They can keep it secret—that I don’t

Remember. They shouldn’t have

To worry though the original summary

Raised only a minimal fuss. The country

Has become accustomed to dismissing

Serious problems. Hearing them, but

Shoving them aside. Let’s see if I can

Remember them all since September 11:

Invading Afghanistan where Al Quaeda

No more was but the Taliban were so

We suppressed them by paying off

Local warlords—the only effective

Political forces outside of Kabul the

Capital. Then since our military toe

Was already in the water, what better

Time to chase down non-existent

Weapons of mass destruction based

On sketchy intelligence and in complete

Denial by UN investigators and 

Eliminate as well that pesky Saddam 

Who reputedly ordered an attempt to 

Assassinate a president’s daddy. Next

Was the promise of being welcomed

With open arms, like the French 

Greeting the greatest generation

As they rolled into Paris. Hey,

Speed it up there’s lots more to 

Cover: no WMDs, Abu Graib,

Insurrectionist vanquished, a

Pallet load  of $100 bills disappears

At an airport, Bagram Air Base Prison, 

Chelsea (nee Bradley) Manning,

Wikileaks, Edward Snowden, John

Kiriakou, James Risen, so many

More, the second coming of David

Petraeus (this time with his mistress),

Withdrawal from Iraq, delaying

Withdrawal from Afghanistan, then

Going back to Iraq, rebuilding

In Afghanistan, all the while

Killing thousands with drones

But not a single civilian, then 

Daesh which means both ISIS

And ISIL (no need for all three).

Don’t forget the second story 

Disputing the official tale of Osama

Bin Laden’s capture in Pakistan 

By Pulitzer Prize winning

Investigative reporter Seymour

Hersch. But there were so many 

Reasons not to remember the lies,

Deception, and torture, the regular

Deaths and the cost: please forgive

Me—since I’ve paid attention to the

Wars I may have missed a few:

Dancing With the Stars, Downton Abbey,

Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, Keeping

Up with the Kardashians, Kanye West,

Star Wars, and like I said many others.

The oligarchs think the national mind’s

Been bombed out so offer them ten or 

So clowns for their next head of state.

They’ll babble garbage four years

And the wool shall have been pulled

Forever over your eyes.

c. J.S.Manista, 2015

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