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With some lighthearted nonchalance Evergreen's mascot is the geoduck (GOO-ee-DUCK) |
Like eerie bluish-white fireflies
In the dark over the shallow waters
Of low tide at midnight the bright
Lamps of the geoducks tenders shone
Lamps of the geoducks tenders shone
As they searched for delicacies
Delightful to East Asian palates,
Culling those ready for the table.
Despite the dark I could make
Out the surface of the Sound and
Just as easily the stony beach
Revealed by the tides receding.
The gray clouds overhead didn’t
Impose the “hard dark” of similar
Nights I’ve known in the woods
Of Tennessee and I can’t say why.
Perhaps the moon, pulling the sea
From the land, was still positioned
To illuminate the area enough
For night vision. Geoducks are
Not fish or plants, but clams who
Bury themselves in the sand and
Produce an upward growing tube
Of flesh, most likened to a phallus,
Which is the reason discussion
Of them is accompanied by titters
(Another problematic reference)
And sly looks among the knowing.
Beachfront owners find the matter
At once annoying and profitable
As they can sign contracts with the
Harvesters (?), cultivators (?) for
A share of the returns earned in
Their piece of the tidelands. The
Annoyance is having to tolerate
The occasional anchoring of
Their small working barges
Offshore when the time is not
Ripe and the tide insufficient
For harvest. My BPH affliction
(Benign prostatic hypertrophy)
Has me often walking to the
Bathroom while their work is
Done, which is quiet and brief.
Bathroom while their work is
Done, which is quiet and brief.
In the summer I might watch
And listen to a whole session—
Maybe even say hello. Last night
Was cold and working in the
Water must have been unpleasant.
Just how profitable I don’t know.
But it’s interesting that unlike
The lords of the feudal ages whose
Sheep-grazing lands extended to
The fences at the roads, for these
Northwestern nobles the areas
Behind their homes which extend
A quarter-mile to the road are kept
Forested, undeveloped, virtual
Wilderness, simply because they
Don’t need to make it productive.
They're enough as a screen for
Privacy and of some natural
Privacy and of some natural
Beauty besides. Log it and haul
It away? Heavens to Murgatroyd,
No, not in a million! Although
Quite conceivably one day some
Enterprising woods-person
Could pitch the owners about
Enterprising woods-person
Could pitch the owners about
Making their fallow forests
Profitable like their clammy seas.
c. J.S.Manista, 2016
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