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"Of course I voted for you." |
WOMEN elected Dump. Hear me
Out. According to the circular
Firing squad of pundits blaming
Each other for factors contributing
To the election of this surreally
Unqualified candidate, those
Already sharing in the blame
Are: Black voters who stayed
Home and did not give HRC
The support they handed Obama;
The alienated “white workingmen”
Who stuck their collective
Thumbs in the Dems’ eyes;
White nationalists who turned
Out unanimously and in force
For Republicans; and last but
Certainly not least gun nuts
And NRA crazies. Granted
They all had an effect, but I’m
Still going to blame the women
For what will be their undoing.
I’ll split the class in two groups:
The Dominated and the Deceived.
Among the Dominated might be
Melania Dump at the top, whose
Voting was closely observed
By the soon to be Ninny-in-
Chief over network television,
And at the bottom by those sad
Spouses already beaten into
Submission by their domineering
Male partners, who despite the
Secrecy of the voting booth
Probably wouldn’t have the
Temerity to lie to their abusers
About their presidential choices.
I can forgive them; they’ve been
Through enough, and because of
The outcome are in for more of
The same. No, I’m really upset
About the willfully deceived of
Conservative women, those
Equally sad deluded damsels
Who had to shake their heads
To keep out the nagging refrain
“And if you’re famous enough
They’ll let you grab them by
The pussy,” as they darkened
The circles, punched the card
Slot, or tapped the screen to
Enable this self-confessed
Sexual predator and creepiest
Father figure ever to disgrace
The national stage to become
The Leader of the Free World,
The Champion of Democracy,
The Man With His Finger On THE
BUTTON. What I expected after
Dump’s confession of macho fantasy
Coming to light and the dozen or
More victims who finally emerged
From the darkness to accuse and
Confirm his unworthiness was all
Self-respecting women would
Either clamber up his next
Platform to tear him a new one,
Verbally if not physically, or at
Least agree to vote as a bloc to
Stymie his megalomaniacal
Dreams. They didn’t do either.
What the hell were they thinking?
That the leopard could change
His spots?
That the leopard could change
His spots?
c. J.S.Manista, 2016
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