You've seen this knee before: dog attack, bee attack, now this, invalidism |
Whitecaps all day on the sound.
Cold. Another grim blog. Went
To pee several times last night
Could hardly walk. The slight
Pain at the back of my right knee
That had been nagging me for
Months had become so bad
I had to brace myself for any
Progress. Bit the bullet since
I finally got an appointment
For Loki’s desperately needed
Grooming. Managed to drive
Across town, hobbled out
Pleading he not pull me over.
They told me the price and
Said I should come back at
Three. I did a little shopping
On the way back home. I
Didn’t remember injuring it.
The right is still my natural
Knee but I noticed I had been
Treating it like I did my left
Before that was replaced
Thirteen years ago. "Feces!”
I thought, remembering I’d
Promised Nat I’d clean up
My diction as we left Cleveland.
You don’t put new tires on a car
That needs everything else—
Struts, motor, transmission.
Best I could hope was they’d
Pop my head onto a jock's
Body who’d died of sports
Related brain trauma. Naw.
They try to save your old body
Even when they know it's
Going to die soon. In my family
We don’t make it to 80. I figure
System upon system will fail
Until one little infection then
Kaput. When I told Andy of
My sudden disability, he told
Me to stay put and he’d be
Over to check it out. I cancelled
The 5K I was to run that night
And prayed there'd be no
Needles. He felt my knee,
Said I had some kind of cyst
Blow out, and showed me
How he how could push the
Fluid from side to side. I took
His Naproxen, let him wrap
The knee, and promised I would
Later apply the cold pack he put
In the freezer. Sunday I stayed
Home from church. The family
Came by with a week's lasagna
And arugula. Played Go Fish
With the girls while Majida
And Andy cleaned up my
Kitchen and recycling despite
My begging they leave it all
To me. Go already, I'll be fine.
They left me by the fireplace,
My leg elevated on a cardboard
Box, with the icepack wrapped
Around my knee. “If this is
What creeping decrepitude
Is like I’ll have to rethink
Gradual departure.”
c. J.S.Manista, 2017
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