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CNN's Washington bureau chief tries to ask a question of the P-elect at his semi-annual news conference Wednesday only to be told, "No soup for you!" |
I’m committed to objective truth
As an axiom of my worldview.
But it’s getting hard in these
Days of fake news to support
The notion that in our seeing
We see the same things even
With the proviso that we may
Not see things the same. When
Meryl Streep last Sunday
Remarked she saw a man who
Was running for president
Openly mock a disabled reporter
No one raised an objection,
"No, he wasn’t doing that."
Nor have any of his loyal
Crew, not even his Wizard
Of Spin, KellyAnn Conway,
Come forward offering any
Reasonable alternative. Only
The offender proposed some
"No, he wasn’t doing that."
Nor have any of his loyal
Crew, not even his Wizard
Of Spin, KellyAnn Conway,
Come forward offering any
Reasonable alternative. Only
The offender proposed some
Cockamamie defense about
The victim being flummoxed
By his query to excuse why
His hands moved oddly about—
Conveying more the reporter’s
Discombobulation, not his
Disability. “I would never do
That,” he went on, reinforcing
How in the psychology of lying,
The liar's tell is protracting
The liar's tell is protracting
Their lie— protesting too much.
That example falls on the plus
Side for objectivity in perception.
Then what do we make of his
Very public meltdown while
Handling an inquiry from CNN’s
Jim Acosta? In the famous words
Of the perspicacious Bart Simpson,
Did he have a cow? Right in front
Of America? We’ve certainly been
Spoiled by the superlative cool of
Obama before the media. Or is this
The kind of thing we should laugh
Off? Ravings of a maniac? Was an
Adult at the podium? What new
Adult at the podium? What new
Epoxy holds his last few hairs in
Place while he rants? Did you all
See that? Obviously not the offender
Nor the Newt Gingrich who said
"The reporter . . is . . . an idiot,”
Who should be suspended by
CNN for sixty days.” Hannity
Thought the POTUS-E did a
Commendable job and the Newt
Who should be suspended by
CNN for sixty days.” Hannity
Thought the POTUS-E did a
Commendable job and the Newt
Countered people who behave
Badly [ask impertinent questions]
Must not be allowed in. Have they
Must not be allowed in. Have they
Read the first amendment lately?
If anybody in the room should be
Suspended for sixty days, I’d
Suggest the Ninny-in-Chief who
Cannot maintain his composure
Under stress as the first. I
Thought we saw the same things?
c. J.S.Manista, 2017
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