Sunday, April 21, 2013

To the Gun Nut

Dear _____:

You're right of course, we don't permit people to buy artillery, if you mean the classic large scale weapons of war.

So, in a sense, we both believe that America's gun policy should be limited.

The question again is where do we draw the line?

To me it is perfectly reasonable to draw that line so as to include automatic weapons and high capacity magazines, especially in the light of Newtown, Colorado, and Tucson.

And unless you would permit homeowners--good people, like yourself--to have every possible weapon available for their defense (mortars, grenades, bazookas, flamethrowers) I think you would agree with me that the proliferation of these megadeath instruments should be forbidden to the common citizen.

Even with background checks there would still have been one too many assault weapons and five too many extended magazines available for use in the Lanza home.

Limiting their availability (that is, forbidding their availability) is the only certain way to prevent the Adam Lanzas of the world from easily killing on the brutal scale he did.

Are you willing to permit another such tragedy just so you can fondle every weapon possible and risk its falling into the wrong hands as Mrs Lanza tragically did?

Love, Peace, and Hope,
James Manista

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