Beware of world population clocks
Like the national debt ticker it won’t
Stop you’ll get very dizzy
You don’t know who dies on the second line
Nor any idea who the new babies are
I knew of Oliver Sacks who died
Yesterday which one of the blips he was
No one knows in that torrent of finalities
I know one added baby showed up
A month and a half ago his parents
Were likely too busy to note
When his number flipped over
Mind boggling when you consider
Molecules there are so many more
They spread so fast I was taught
In high school chemistry we have probably
Breathed in some of the same oxygen
That once sustained Christ Homer
Shakespeare Avogadro likewise
Torquemada Genghis Kahn Hitler
The Borgias interesting that we all
Have that in common but it doesn’t
Leave a bad or good taste in my
Mouth not knowing was somewhat
Comforting I thought not like
Sharing the same air on a six-hour
Flight to Seattle with two hundred plus
Coughers on board that’s when I’d like
The windows to open a crack
Like the side vents cars used to have
Every additional baby is putting more
Breathers on the planet and the deaths
Are not keeping up additional faces
Mean there’ll be that much more
Competition for what’s left especially
Since all the new folks will want to live
Grander than us prodigals soiling
Everything we touch refusing to make do
You’re wearing last year’s clothes
Get a new car get the latest have it all
Remember Jesus said the poor you
Will always have with you they’ll make it
They’re resourceful you can always give
Old clothes away how do you think
Zimbabweans come by Heights soccer
Shirts in the middle of Africa they’re
Recycled that’s what you want
Plus we’re making jobs for those poor
In Bangladesh who produce our new
Clothes growth you gotta have it
Or it all falls apart go forth and multiply
What you’re talking isn’t sustainable
Who’s going to refuse to have kids
Talk about selfish ain’t that the problem
Keeping money all to yourself
Helping nobody it’ll be a long time
Until we run out I won’t live to see it
There’ll be some kind of war or disease
To knock the numbers down before
Anything serious happens
c. J.S.Manista, 2015