Saturday, August 15, 2015

20150815 (climate clock)

If you ever had high school chemistry you’ve probably seen a clock reaction, a fascinating transformation when two clear fluids mixed together stay clear for seconds then abruptly turn opaque. On its own the reaction illustrates quite a few chemical principles. Despite abstruse or simple explanation it never loses its magical appeal. None of which is why I cite it here. Whatever the chemical gear works my only need is as an example of something instantly changing to an opposite--clear to opaque--as if nothing had set the stage--out of the blue so to speak.

The clock reaction 

You’ve presumably just seen 

Is how climate change 

Is really going to work

We’ve already set in motion

Many self-fulfilling prophecies

Once the Arctic ice begins to disappear

More warming sunlight is absorbed

In the air in the sea less reflected

Into space the more the tundra melts

The more methane is released

Methane is an atmospheric heat trapper

Far more effective than carbon dioxide

It accelerates its melting its release

Of even more methane did you know

Half the earth’s oxygen is produced

By plankton in the sea who die as the oceans warm

Like burning the trees of the rain forest 

Destroying the oxygen producers 

While producing more carbon dioxide 

Which warms the oceans 

Which kills the plankton

Which reduces all the oxygen

That Jack would breathe in his house

So climate change is not just

More dry forests to burn 

Not just deeper drought in more places

Not just more stronger storms

Not just less food produced

While the world whistles its time away

Trying to keep the temperature rise

Within two degrees Celsius

While politicians shilly-shally

Proudly hawk their modest plans

To eventually slow not stop

Those factors building on themselves 

Having passed the point of no return

Continue building one upon another

To put our future

Out like a light

c. J.S.Manista, 2015

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