Saturday, August 22, 2015

20150822 (hamster)

Don’t get your kids pets unless you’re 

Prepared to talk about sex and death

Pets of all types come without clothes

Not even those navy jackets 

Donald Duck and Porky Pig wore

With the internet kids who

On their own figured out how

To set the time on Aunt Becky’s

VCR it’s safe to assume have

A wider knowledge of gynecology and

Perversion than you'll ever have

Despite careful crafted parental controls

We never let our kids in the ‘80s

Watch bloody horror flicks at home 

They watched them all at a neighbor’s 

Who had no common sense 

Rearing children in the face of the

Culture is like walking into waves

Trying to stay dry when Ralph their 

Hamster caught cold and died from

Pneumonia you wanted to help the kid’s

Soul was pleading for you somehow to

Swerve the path of fate comics assert

Hamsters are the disposable lighters

Of the animal companion world but

You called around explained your plight

Finally an old vet miles away agreed

To see your kid and struggling Ralph

Whose breathing was loud and watery

You rushed it’s Saturday past closing time 

But the vet opens up talks to your son 

Gets the medical history of his soft brown Ralph 

Lays out the likelihood he’ll be in hamster 

Heaven soon gives him an eyedropper

Some liquid in a medical vial 

This will help comfort Ralph

Who’s tired of food and water 

Keep him warm watch him 

When he stops licking at the eyedropper 

You’ll know it’s time no charge 

The old vet said care for your pet

You’ve got your hands full 

It took Ralph a day and a half 

To give up his tiny ghost 

The kids held a funeral in the backyard 

It's hard finding bible passages for animals

Today Andy's a spine surgeon who spurned 

Budding careers as a classical bassist

Reggae band leader actor for medicine

I sometimes wonder if an old veterinarian 

Who knew he was treating two patients 

Only one of whom was a beloved hamster 

Had anything to do with it

c. J.S.Manista, 2015

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