When I told Madam Chair I
Wouldn’t be speaking this
Morning, she gave such a
Sigh of relief I took it as a
Compliment. I chose to appear
At the Board of Zoning Appeals
For the city of Cleveland in
Support of three of my neighbors
Near a lot about (and I may be
Estimating high) 70’ x 100’
That is located adjacent to a
Factory-like building which
Had been converted by the
Previous owner to house
A practice theater and troupe
The present resident is married to
A doctor with the Cleveland
Clinic who loved the basement
As a space for a huge woodwork
Shop. The other two share a
Home directly across the street
On which they have spent
Practically everything they’ve
Got (yes, it’s that costly) to
Restore impeccably their classic
Frame Victorian from slate roof
To brick walkways. The contest
Pitted two worthy opponents:
First the applicant, a contractor
Who has a proven record of
Attractive new construction
In the neighborhood aching
For architectural congruence
Between old and new housing;
Second, those resisting his request
To obtain a variance to build
The full depth of the lot for
Four connected four-story
Townhouses which they contend
Disrupts the ambiance of old
Victorian structures and negatively
Affects their homes’ resale value.
My colleagues, citizens of much
Moxie, really did their homework.
The first to speak took about forty-
Five fact-packed minutes and
An inch worth of documents
To bolster their contention. Even
Madame Chair was impressed and
Said so. But to cut to the quick, here’s
How the decision was made. This is
Ohio City, one of the few positive
Growth locations, where building,
Renovation, and restorations is
Proceeding apace everywhere
Except my house (not that I
Wouldn’t were I not financially
Challenged, so to speak). Adhering
To the present rule would permit
Two substantial homes to be built
On the property. Granting the
Variance would allow four condos.
By a decision of three-to-one
The board allowed the variance.
But as Yogi the master of modern
Proverbs expounded, “It ain’t over
Till it’s over.” The objectors can
Appeal this decision and they
Appear ready to hire attorneys
If needed to make their case.
The parties met amicably in the
Hall afterward. The appeal will be
A new negotiating point. By the way,
These four homes would add to
The sixty-seven others thrashing
It out in administrative hearings.
Meanwhile, as I have written earlier,
Numerous pockets of the city
Lay vacant awaiting offers of
New housing not terribly far away.
c. J.S.Manista, 2016