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Finger-pointing, lying, religious pandering attempting to pass as astute political reasoning. |
I watched the Republican debate
Last night. I was among the many
Who were greatly disturbed that
Leaders of a political party of a
Large nation would openly make
Complete fools of themselves
Before a large audience. Let’s
Just start with the smallest of
Potatoes, Doctor Ben Carson.
Does he not watch videos of
His performance or is he so out
Of touch with his own image?
He must be paying no attention
To the late night shows hosted
By comedians. Why is he wasting
So much money to pursue his
Dream? I sincerely hope when
He finally wakes up and calls
It quits, he will still be able to
Perform pediatric brain surgery.
John Kasich from Ohio pretending
To be the adult in the room wasted
His time chiding the Bickersons;
Should just have stuck to what
He’s done as governor. The crowd
Didn’t need to be told the others
Were off the wall. Ted Cruz wasn’t
At all open about his positions on
Policy. Where are his friends in the
Congress? And what about all the
Reported backstabbing? Marco
Rubio? Send him back to alligatorville.
Too young, too short, too good
Looking for Washington. Problem
For him in Hollywood if he tries
To memorize scripts longer than
Twenty-five seconds. Invokes
Religion like everybody’s a
Christian evangelist. Preaching,
There's his calling. All this time
Debating and he didn’t know
Cruz could speak Spanish.
Maybe he thought Cruz
Couldn’t speak Spanglish.
Jeb! lets the other guy shout
Over him and looks befuddled
When he won’t shut up. Jeb!
Could use some comedic
Training with handling hecklers
How deep are his pockets? If
He’s the Anointed they’ll need
To oil him up again. If he has
To hide under the Bush family
Matron of Big Bad Barbara
When the wolf comes calling
About his dad or his brother
He should tell his backers to
Take their money off his table
And find another to skewer
His accuser. The Donald. How
This man keeps shooting holes
In his boat that refuses to sink
Is beyond me. He has celebrity
Appeal for that section of the
Electorate who don’t understand
That most celebrities have
Feathers for brains. Am I worried
He has a chance? This is the
Country where cowboys stood
Up to the Federal government a
Few weeks ago and gun nuts
Control the legislature. Yeah,
I’m worried.
c. J.S.Manista, 2016
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