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Available through Vimeo as a 45 minute documentary |
It’s dated (late 1990s—Dan Rather
Still anchored CBS News), it’s
Lousy video (720p or less), but
It skillfully relates the history
Behind the homegrown public
Relations industry and describes
Each of its methods, demonstrating
How each transforms (poisons)
Vital aspects of modern
Democratic society and what
We’d like to think are objective
Sources of information. The book
I read years ago bears the same
Title as the video, Toxic Sludge
Is Good For You, (by John Stauber
And Sheldon Rampton). Although
I had known about PR since my
College days I found the book
Transformed my attitudes about
News and corporate control.
It was so effective I think because
Its message was so concentrated
And illuminating. The chapters
Flew by and gave me a whole
New enthusiasm about social
Critique—something like a
Fish in water finally realizing
He’s in an industrial breeding
Pond—and once he is large
Enough he’ll be off to the
Batter vat at Long John Silver’s.
Nobody likes being lied to yet
Nobody is lied to more often
And more harmfully than we are.
But we’ve been misled so often
And so thoroughly we regard it
As benign—a cost of our hyper
Productive society. Perhaps the
Greatest charade foisted on the
American people by the PR is
That they aren’t connected in
Any way to the worst example of
Effective PR—Hitler’s and—
Goebbel’s Nazi lying machine.
From Leni Riefenstal’s stunning
Film Triumph of the Will to Kurt
Gerron’s abject deceptions in
Theresienstadt the techniques of
American hucksterism grown up
Are all over Nazi propaganda.
So, today, when we see laws
Passed in our state legislatures
By purchased politicians to
Prevent citizens from learning
About the brutality of the
Slaughterhouses, when we see
Our boys and girls killing
And dying in foreign lands over
Trumped up wars we didn't
Want, when we see our water
Contaminated, our atmosphere
Getting more polluted, ever
More smothering, our people
Still losing homes and jobs
In this economy we are
Told has “recovered” and
Is again “prospering,” who
Believes these suits, these snake
Oil con men?
c. J.S.Manista, 2016
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