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Somewhat like the national debt--if you owe it only to yourself. you don't need to pay it off right away. |
I am a person of promise. So
Far I have kept a lot of them.
Regrettably though I have been
So prodigious in making them
I’ve had little time left to see
Many to completion. Just to
Name a few affecting this
Endeavor: I promised to learn
Typing—had typing manuals,
And when I got a computer
Repromised and invested in
A self-instruction practice disc,
Yet I am hunting and pecking
Now like the worst of them.
I made a vow to eat religiously
According to the precepts of
My dietician, yet Diabetes
Cookbook for Dummies, and
Mr Food’s Quick and Easy
Diabetic Cooking today sit on
My bookshelf as fresh as the
Day they left Barnes and Noble
For my humble home. I promised
I would repair a conference table
I recovered one fine summer day
From a business’s trash on 29th,
It’s propped up behind me against
The wall as I write. To tell the
Whole truth (which I promised
the day I named this blog) I have
Repaired the crack that happened
When I first hauled it here, and
The one broken support (which
Was probably why they pitched
It). The only other repairs involve
Locating the screws I need to
Attach the supports (I’ve got
Them here somewhere—I’ve
Promised myself I will locate
Replacements rather than buy
Them at Home Depot) and
Locate a nice piece of hardwood
Long enough to brace the legs.
Copping the table was part of a
Plan to repay my brother and
Sister for the numerous times
They have provided me with
Holiday feasts these last six
Years since I left Dinah. It
Would be great to serve them
An Easter meal, and easier
Now that the stove I bought
Six years ago is now finally
Hooked up and functioning.
But I’ve not promised them
Invitations yet although I’ve
Kinda promised myself that
I would. Yeah, I promised I’d
Clear all my tools and crap
From the tables I improvised
From an old ping-pong set up,
But I haven’t fixed the steel
Shelving I found in the alley
Way just a few weeks ago.
Since it was so rusted I took
It apart and promised to sand
It and paint it before bringing
The tools from the dining room.
But that had to wait for the cellar
To get warm enough to work in.
Now that the temps are up I
Can resume where I left off but
I promised I’d reread Ta’Nehisi
Coates’ The Case for Reparations
So I could converse knowledgeably
About it at church tomorrow
Afternoon. Kept that promise
Right after I kept the promise to
Take my blood sugar readings
Before and after breakfast. Kept
That promise. Now I’m keeping
My promise for daily blog entries,
After which I’ll clear my desk
Which I promised myself days
Ago, or I’ll go shopping which
I need to do, neglecting whichever
Induces less guilt.
c. J.S.Manista, 2016
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