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Motivation by Adam Smith--"or else" (Alec Baldwin in Glengarry Glen Ross)* |
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Motivation by Adam Smith--"or else" (Ben Affleck in The Boiler Room)** |
Rarely do I agree with
Alan Greenspan but he hit
The nail on the head with
The phrase “traumatized
Worker syndrome.” to
Explain the remarkable
Increase in productivity
Accompanying his tenure
As Fed head when companies
Cut back, laid off workers,
Failed to increase wages,
And magically jobs still
Got done as if to confirm
For the economic neocons
Their contention of “too
Much fat in the system.”
Work your ass off, don’t
Complain or you will be next.
Not that it is a new idea.
Andrew Carnegie applied
It frequently in his steel
Mills. He told his workers
That due to special needs
They would have to be
Especially productive
The next day or they
Would lose considerable
Business in the future.
Looking to insure their
Success in the long run
They worked harder than
Ever to achieve the goal.
And when, in a flush of
Great effort they did just that,
Carnegie announced that
Would now be the daily
Criterion since they
Demonstrated clearly
The exaggerated efficiency
Was, as we say, “doable.”
General Electric’s manager
Wizard, Jack Welch, not
The real wizard, Charles
Proteus Steinmetz, required
Every level of management
To review comprehensively
Ten subordinates to determine
At the end of the year who
Was most “dispensable.”
Didn’t really much matter
If you thought your team of
Ten were truly indispensable
One of them was going to go
And the thought escaped no
One that he/she might be
Tenth on somebody else’s
List. How many outside of
Mr. Welch thought it a fair
Winnowing, is hard to tell
But the practice earned him
The title “Neutron Jack” for
His ability, like the eponymous
Bomb, to empty a building
Without destroying it. Not
Everyone believes in the
Squeeze as a way of making
Money, but it’s in the heart
Of anyone who’s lived in this
Country to adulthood. If you
Need to hear it spelled out,
There’s Alec Baldwin in
Glengarry Glen Ross* or
Ben Affleck in The Boiler
Room**. Or you can hear it
In Goodfellas or Full Metal
Jacket, or just about any hard
Driving movie, novel, play
About the profit motive.
Driving movie, novel, play
About the profit motive.
c. J.S.Manista, 2016
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