Monday, April 25, 2016

20160426 (better living through chemistry)

Could lithium have helped Adam Lanza? Or maybe just good psychiatric care available to all? The mother of "I am Adam
Lanza's mother" got her child help but only after her blog went viral.

Sunday morning, headed to church

On the Shoreway, I was listening to

The TED Radio Hour and heard an

NPR staff reporter, Jessica, interview

Liza Long, a single mother of

Four in Boise, Idaho, whose blog

Post the day of the Newtown massacre

Was titled, “I am Adam Lanza’s

Mother,” which went viral and

Has been read by millions. She

Of course was not Adam Lanza’s

Mother but went on to write 

Her middle school age son Eric

Walton, suffered periodic rages 

So like those reported of Adam

Lanza, she cried out for help.

Despite numerous referrals his

Problems evaded diagnosis and

Cure. She told how many times

His rage threatened her life,

That of her children, and Eric’s

Itself. When school counselors

Were of no avail, he was placed

In juvenile detention four times

Again without relief. Physicians

Diagnosed widely and  prescribed

All manner of drugs, but nothing

Worked. She scoured the thousands

Of emails for hopeful news and

Found one person responding to

Her blog who kept trying for her 

Attention. This person led her

To Dr. Demitri Papalos of the

Juvenile Bipolar Research 

Foundation in New York 

Who made the right

Diagnosis and administered

The effective medicine. Since

That time Eric reports he has

Had no rages of the sort that

Interrupted his and his family’s

Life so many times for so many

Years. He has blossomed in the

Intervening years, has given a

TED talk urging people not

To give up hope for those with

Mental illness. This experience

(And I urge you to hear it—link

Below) so moved me in that it

Presented a clear way to help

Others, like Eric, who could

Possibly be saved from becoming

Mass murderers. I had a similar 

Story with one of my children 

Whose plunges into depression

Eventuated to his suicide. We also

Had run the gamut of social workers,

Counselors, psychologists,

Psychiatrists, during his

School years. I remember writing

An article in 1958 for my high 

School newspaper reporting

Successes doctors were having

With all sorts of psychotic 

Disorders. I stressed the cures

Came more by chemicals than

Traditional talk therapy. To some it

Meant the end of those thrillers

Based disorders of the patient 

Undergoing some childhood

Trauma which explained everything

(The Rosebud phenomenon), which

Still occurs for many. But 

Chemistry presented new hope

Of a way out of the wilderness.

If lithium would have kept my

Son from hanging himself,

I’d have been in the forefront

Hollering for it. Whether it 

Would have helped Adam Lanza

No one will know--might help 

The next Adam Lanza.

c. J.S.Manista, 2016


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