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Note the Y and the phone message. Everybody knows what the Y means, right? |
User friendly is not obvious to
Everyone, particularly the people
At the Cuyahoga County Jury
Commission. Two weeks ago I
Received in the mail their notice
That I was to serve for a minimum
Of five days beginning April 25.
The fold-over tear-apart notice
Bore the full color seals of both
The Court of Common Pleas of
Cuyahoga County and of the
Cleveland Municipal Court
Whose matching stacks of
Wheat and corn flourish in
The rays of the rising(?) or
Setting (?) sun of some farm
Presumably defying the laws
Of physics as the shadows of
The wheat and corn do not
Flow from the base of either.
That should have been my first
Clue. I read carefully (I thought)
All the directions on the notice,
Set the clock for 6 AM Monday,
Allowed time for the usual duties
To cat, dog, dishes, diabetes,
Drugs, and finally dress, choosing
Comfortable casual slacks, dress
Shirt, subdued floral tie, and
Standard blue blazer lest I get
Chided by some Judge Judy-like
Tyrant for showing up in an
Anti-war tee shirt, shorts, and
Beach sandals in defiance of
Traditional courtroom decorum.
I was told to show up at 8 AM
And to which building and office
Of the court system I should
Report. They did not tell us
The only entrance I, non-disabled,
Could use was located on the
North side of the building at
Lakeside—furthest from the
Address entrance listed on
Ontario. They did mention the
Security procedures, x-raying,
Assuring me the devices were
Not hazardous to one’s health—
At least not as hazardous as
Entering the building itself and
Being shot by some irate litigant.
Wheelchaired persons were to call
To arrange special van parking
But were not told they would be
Required to use a door five
Hundred feet from the regular
Entrance. I guess that’s part
Of why they told you to call
At least two business days ahead.
I reported to the fourth floor,
Went into what I thought was
The proper door from arrows
Marked on the wall outside
The elevator into a room
Where the clerks bore that
“How’d you get in here? That
Door’s supposed to be locked,”
Look on their faces. I told them
Good signs would correct such
Deficiencies on our part as
They shooed me in the opposite
Direction. I entered a hallway
Where people were lined up
On either side as far as the eye
Could see. I asked a security
Guard where to go next. “Line
Up alphabetically,” he said, which
I thought odd. I get to break into
The line at the MAs? No, you
Don’t, they bristled, go to the back.
One charitable soul revealed
The secret code: the line on
My left was for M-Z the right
For A-L. When I got to the end
And turned to face the front
I clearly saw the two signs
Above and remarked that we
Could have avoided a lot of
Inquiry had the signs been
Turned around to face people
As they came in. After a half
Hours crawl to the desk where
Clerks checked us in, my M-Z
Clerk told me I wasn’t even
Supposed to be here as I was
A juror for the Municipal
Court. How was I to know this?
She pointed to a Y appended to
My juror number and told me,
“The directions [in bold print
I should point out] are you should
Call this number to find out if
You’re even needed. That’s how
They do it in Cleveland.” Chagrined
(Or was it Kinsmanned) I
Exited in shame and regret for
Not following directions. Silly
Me, I thought. I called the
Number. I wasn't needed.
c. J.S.Manista, 2016
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