CEOs don’t know from ethics
That’s something they teach
In humanities they’d guess
And be partly right great CEOs
Answer to shareholders maybe
And lawyers mostly it would
Seem we’re learning now in the
Media big oil scientists long
Ago told the officers about the
Prospects for burning fossil
Fuels the earth’s warming
Would open the arctic for even
More product ahh the blessing
Every cloud’s silver lining CEOs
Held dear to their heart they had
To maximize shareholders’
Returns especially as growing
Beholders themselves a little
Self interest was not a bad thing
I’m sure when they went back
To their lavish offices to mull
Over results of their own labs’
Reports they probably knew
What outside sources had found
No one’s that dumb they shrieked
Into rolled up copies of Oil and
Gas Journal son of a bitch do they
Expect us to pull the plug from
The bottom of our own boat the
Stock price might fall even though
No one then had ready access to
An alternative fuel they’d have to
Stop bad mouthing solar water wind
No no no this train is bound for glory
Don’t carry none but the righteous
And the oily you don’t stop a
Juggernaut like this loaded with gold
So whether they decided on their
Phones or at the country club over
Stone crabs flown in from Belize
The fuel would keep flowing nobody
Would have to know that it could
Get bad ride the train as long as
The ticket holds at least they
Weren’t like tobacco scoundrels
Who kept pushing poison on
Men women youngsters that was
Their choice besides the world
Might be nicer a bit warmer
More winter golf in Canada
Northern Alaska alongside the
Grizzlies and caribou you don’t
Want us to go live in caves now
Who’d want that and like cancer
Who knows if a cure is not just
Round the bend my God what a
Disaster it would be coal natural
Gas cars plastics all gone people
Freezing all over hell they’ll
Thank us for it in the end before it
Gets bad
c. J.S.Manista, 2015
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