She left notes in my clothes
When I travelled despite my own
Packing she’d somehow place them
In pockets deep in my shoes for
Me to find as I dressed in the
Morning away thinking of you
Remember how much we loved
Doing this going there when
We talked on the phone she’d
Never let on say look in your
Shaving kit try on your tennies
I’d find most of them before
I got back some calm some cute
Some just this side of bawdy
An occasional mint surprise in
My blazer carefully wrapped
Again in a tissue scented with
Her perfume she was like that
Not every day not every trip
But often enough to let me know
Not to forget her playful side
I tried to return the favors but
Was obviously so bad at it I earned
The tag klumsota it wasn’t my game
I failed at spontaneity big time
Couldn’t bring off the deceits
Essential to throwing a surprise
Party I hadn’t the practice flair
For lying cleverly quickly
Enough to keep a ruse going
I was sure she caught on she
Denied knowing but winked at me
When she said coming home
There are a lot of cars parked
Near the house tonight I don’t
Recall whether it was for a
Birthday or graduating from
Nursing school sure would
Have thought I’d remember
I have no pictures no unused
Invitations to bolster its reality
Until I check with friends who
Should have attended I
May have to set it aside
As something I could have
Done should have done
Even if I brought it off poorly
I would have made the effort
To return something for all
The wonderful gifts she gave me
Who would bake a cherry chip
Cake frosted in pink with Diligence
Written on it for my birthday
Every year or every Valentine’s
Day make heart-shaped meatloaf
Slathered in catsup with red mashed
Potatoes beets close to red
Little gestures less likely as we
Grew older consumed with paying
For kids in college another in/out
Of prison toward the end it
May have come down to
Remembering monthly-versaries
Each twenty-eighth of the month
Poems I wrote of her which she
Regarded as undeserved or at least
That I helped her get her boots
On at church Sundays in winter
Kneeling at her feet with people
Standing about she’d had so much
Trouble getting them on by herself
The chronic back pain that worsened
Every day until August
c. J.S.Manista, 2015
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