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Armchair theorizing by any other name would be BS |
Without doing the cheap and
Shoddy research associated with
Shoddy research associated with
Wikipedia-supported speculation
I’m going to unload my ideas
About overpopulation derived
From cursory familiarity with
The work of Thomas Robert
Malthus (ca. 1798, English)
And John B. Calhoun (ca. 1947,
American). As a learned person
(Who else would be reading
This stuff?) you may know of
These two already. Malthus
Emphasized more the economic
Factors of food supply and
Population growth and concluded
That as more food was produced
It did not serve to reduce human
Misery as the population grew
More quickly to reduce the
Supply of food per person again
To subsistence levels. Malthus’s
Subsistence levels were nothing
To write home about—desperation,
Hunger, crime, and vice plagued
The lowest on the ladder of
Human gradations. He became,
Therefore, an advocate of
Improving the human condition
Through attention to positive
Checks which increased the death
Rates—war, disease—and
Preventive checks—birth control,
Abortion, postponing marriage,
Celibacy—which decreased the
Birth rate. As nobody really liked
Diseases or more fatal warfare he
Was left with birth control as the
Only realistic and practical way
Of advancing the quality of life
Among the lower classes when
Productivity increased food supply.*
Calhoun’s work observed the
Behavior of rats and mice in
Defined-space cages while
Researchers varied food supply.
Roughly, when there was food
Enough for all, life in the cages
Was middle-class enjoyable in
A ratty/mousey sort of way. But
When the crowding got to be too
Much the subjects misbehaved
Radically. The aggressive ones
Fought each other and ate the
Newborn; mothers cannibalized
Their young. Scientists of every
Stripe joined in the jubilation
That they had uncovered the
Causes of urban misery—
Crowding, not desperation.
In later years Calhoun redesigned
His cages to reduce the perceived
Crowding by creating high rise
Apartments which alleviated
Some of the stress. Well, as you
Can guess bio-students of all
Types went nuts with charges
Of anthropomorphism and
Zoomorphism zinging past
Each other to reduce C’s
Observations to nothing
Applicable to urban life
While others claimed them
The key to understanding
Slum life, violence, and crime.
I’m not saying I’d eat my
Young were I penned in a
Closet with farters and others
Who didn’t bathe, but I’d be
Damned sure I’d not be the
Pleasant, rational hermit I
Am today, no?
c. J.S.Manista, 2016
* In Monty Python's History of the World there is a hugely satirical
depiction of precisely this outcome.
* In Monty Python's History of the World there is a hugely satirical
depiction of precisely this outcome.