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Floating, heavenly, peaceful, blissful--for just one hour. |
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Solitary Confinement--this prisoner is under suicide watch. |
Sensory deprivation has a Jekyll
& Hyde reputation. I might be
Tempted to do a “float” at a hip
Health center which I understand
Is getting a lot of positive buzz
After a short stint in ignominy.
Basically you will be lying in
An enclosure in a liquid of one
Part water, nine parts Epsom
Salts at body temperature, naked
As a jaybird (you shower before
Entering) and you float easily,
Bouyed by this concentrated
Fluid. The agent, nurse, owner
Closes the clamshell-like tank
Shutting out all light, most of
The sound except muffled air
Supply and the inside speaker
System which they attenuate
To zip once you’re comfy. You
Have a mic in the box to summon
Them if you need. Then for an
Hour you’re in there alone with
Your thoughts and the quiet.
Many people say it’s quite
A pleasant place—they rest,
They fall asleep, they dream.
The music comes on again to
Signal time’s up. Another
Shower, you get yourself
Presentable, and leave. Many
People complaining of stressful
Jobs swear by it. You’re not
Really weightless, though you
Might be tempted to say so.
Actually your innards are
Weighing one on another
Unlike in Zero-G flights or
Orbiting space stations. The
Hyde part of SenDep comes
When it’s not voluntary, when
It’s extended, and when it’s
Totally anechoic—no sounds
Whatever, and absolutely no
Light. Thinking processes
Deteriorate. You can’t keep
Problems or thoughts in order.
Hallucinations, some tolerable,
Some otherwise, set on without
Ceasing. Hallucinations can be
Auditory, tactile. You lose the
Concept of where you end and
Something else begins. You
Blend into the blackness. You
Might even panic. In the ‘50s
Psychologists tried to build
From the disorientations a
Method of extracting information
From captive enemy while
Claiming they were developing
Methods to help our guys resist
Mind-bending treatment. No,
Prisoners were not floated in
Epsom salts comfortably. The
Affordable quarters turned out
To be solitary confinement in
Uniformly white cells with
Bright lighting to remove the
Sense of the passage of time.
Soundlessness, harder to achieve,
Was replaced with loud white
Noise or eardrum piercing
Constant heavy metal. SenDep
Leaves no marks, skirts
The torture requirement of
Bodily damaging stress, and
What the hell, in the first
Moments may actually
Serve to reduce tension,
Like in the chi-chi clinics.
c. J.S.Manista, 2016
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