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"Fool me once, . . . . Fool me eight times, . . . ." |
I take no comfort from Obama’s
Assurances the U. S. is indisputably
The world’s most powerful
Nation spending eight times
More on its military than
The next most deluded country
On this planet. Nor does his
Claim ours is the strongest
Economy quiet my fears when
It comes with the news workers
Shall not be employed
Uninterruptedly and earn
A retirement with benefits.
In the same breath he admits
We have not found a way to
Stem the flow of wealth more
And more to the rich as we
On the bottom have to jump
Through hoops to keep ourselves
Wives and children fed, clothed,
And taught. He seemed resolved
To the notion that companies
Will be able to leap from nation
To nation for their greatest
Advantage—the promises of
Globalization being too great
For too many to be avoided
For long. Regrettably this will
Come at the cost of jobs for
Workers—a question he failed
To address except to supply the
Standard unsubstantiated
Bromide workers will be
Retrained for unforeseen
New needs. As many observed
His field is rhetorical, his forte
Elocution. He is as able seven
Years later to deliver a stirring
Message to a crowd of people
Hungry for high-minded leadership
From one who gets away with
Boyish innocence for failing
To reduce rancor in political
Discourse. Distributing bones
To the crowd he assigns curing
Cancer to his veep. He might
Just as well throw in the promises
We’ve been made before: he’ll
Close Guantanamo; more new jobs
Paying less than half of the
Jobs they replace will continue
To blossom. Sadly I’ve come
To realize he left so much unsaid:
The wars against women, teachers,
Public employees will be stopped;
We will restore proper payment to
Adjunct professors who today
Work like itinerant tenant farmers
In a public education stripped
Of substance by corporations
Who'd rather have docile employees
Than well-informed students they
Cannot dominate. Nor did he speak
Of how we will exist in a world
With other powerful nations,
When we recede, as we must, from
Being the world’s policemen,
How we must forsake our
Imperial overreach, as we must,
To take a place as an equal
Among equals, and so many
More. I was disappointed
But not surprised. Would
That his walk all these years
Have been anywhere near
As good as his talk.
c. J.S.Manista, 2016
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