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May never be read by the critics but at least they're read |
When Barb Hansen complained
Some time ago that my writing
Without conventional punctuation
Was virtually unreadable by many
I agreed for the sake of boosting
Followership to give it a try. Time
To report: no remarkable improvement.
Likewise no appreciable increase
In comments, feedback, or street
Assaults. To claim these results
Have had no effect would be an
Outright dissemblance and I have
The wet hankies to prove it. As I
Wrote earlier all is not lost. I could
Offer money or gifts to those who
Comment in writing, much like
Old radio shows would give a
Free box of Preparation H to the
“Third caller,” in my case, any
Commenter. Or reproduce the
Essay which best cleans up
My phrasing, punctuation, diction,
Spelling, humor, or topic.
Don’t hold your breath for
Monetary awards or even stale
Cheese as I am a notorious
Skinflint who is not likely to
Say “Thanks” to the EMS
Who restarts my heart. The
Prospect of posthumous
Recognition of course is
Always a possibility unless
Blogger pulls the plug on
My site and my thumb drive
Gets lost forever in my gadget
Drawer. The trouble with
Posthumous recognition is
It’s rather like life insurance—
You don’t get to enjoy it.
So my tack henceforth
Shall be to comment openly
And unpredictably on friends,
Family, old flames, others I’ve
Met since childhood, revealing
What I know of their secrets,
Fears, STDs, lovers, and the like
In the hope this august company
Will eagerly and daily scour
My output for disclosures
Worthy of profitable suit.
Except I won’t name them
That would make it too easy
For the lawyers. It should
Create intense interest in
“Just who was he talking
About when he mentioned
The woman who can’t eat
Larger pickles,?” You know
That sort of scandalous stuff
That made Hedda Hopper,
Louella Parsons, Liz Smith,
And Perez Hilton household
Names and rich. See, that’s
The kind of crap that happens
When genius is denied its most
Deserved honor. Toodle-oo, then.
Keep an eye open over your
Shoulder, dear readers.
c. J.S.Manista, 2016
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