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Study what you want, when you want, where you want, for as long as you want, or go play. Cheap, easy, fun. From preschool through Med School or Ph.D. What went wrong? |
One of the texts I used in my
Brief stay in graduate school
In psychology at Indiana was
Drafted as an illustration of
Programmed Learning after
The principles known at that
Time of how learning occurred.
The early Pavlovian model of
Relating a stimulus to a reflexive
Response—the classic dog
Learning to salivate to the
Sound of a bell—could not
Be adapted to the book’s
Parameters, so they left that
Method out. The behaviorist
Model—classic dog exhibits
Behavior when rewarded—
Allowed for some illustration.
You, Reader, were the dog.
Learning was the knowledge
Of behaviorist principles
You acquired as you proceeded
Through the book. Whether you
Noticed or not, you were being
Rewarded by compliments as
You proceeded. If you didn’t
Demonstrate you had learned
The concept, you were instructed
To return to an earlier page and
Could get the compliment only
After relearning showed you
Had gotten the concept—that
Is finally given the right answer.
Then, competent fellow, you
Were allowed to continue. Sounds
Dumb as dirt as I describe it but
It actually had been used in
Military training manuals for
Years. The notion, though, was
To revolutionize education, make
It independent of a teacher,
Allow students to proceed at
Their own pace, and serve
In future years in powerful
Audio/Visual formats on
Computer screens all over
The world. Mind you what
Foresight—these were years
Before computer screens were
Filled with Pong and Radio
Shack was a major supplier.
Aside from the death of the
Schoolhouse as a building and
Ending the tyranny of teachers’
Unions, the new method
Promised education for all
At reduced costs. Imagine
Sequestering your child in
A quiet corner of the house
Where his/her sight and hearing
Are magically captive to
Fascinating subjects presented
In superior formats and he comes
Away a master of the topics.
I remember these were the
Promises of cable-TV in schools
A couple decades earlier. You
Remember how well that turned out.
But unlike the cable model
Ritual computer learning has
Triumphed though not exactly as
We sought. Today our children
Cannot be torn away from their
Screens. The artificial adventures
Of military slaughter, gangland
Mayhem, pornography, and
Teenage social development
Are far more powerful instructors
Than any bells and whistles we
Could have conceived to help
Them differentiate species,
Conjugate verbs, or speculate
On the meaning of the great
White whale. Where o where
Did we go wrong?
c. J.S.Manista, 2016
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