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Sadly many people either have no light or prefer their bushel |
You can’t please all the people
All the time. I’ve found after
Writing daily for close to a year
That no topic has met with
Unanimous approval. Which is
Odd for me to state as this blog
Is not read by a great number
Who dare to find it. The complete
Absence of comments for even
The most outrageous of rants
Indicates that either: 1. nobody
Notices, or 2. nobody gives a fig.
Either one believes the Blogger
Stats which show 14,415 viewings
In countries as various as Tajikistan
Or they're made of whole cloth to
Or they're made of whole cloth to
Keep bloggers writing. All that
Needs to happen for a site to
Register as viewed is for a
Surfer to merely review the
Blog list. If he/she pulls up
Yours randomly (even if they
Spend no minimum time
Perusing it) your stat grows
By one “viewing.” For all
The business cards I have
Passed along in the years
Of writing I’m inclined to
Think they have been used
More frequently to light cigars
Or folded over and inserted
In window sash to keep them
From rattling in the winter
Wind. But of the comments
I’ve learned in conversation the
Outstanding one 1. is I’m
Hard to read (which may
Have been true when I
Avoided all punctuation,
Relying on readers to sense
The cadence of the narrative).
Second, or 2. they missed
The point. I’ll write about
Moral collapse in war and
Outstanding one 1. is I’m
Hard to read (which may
Have been true when I
Avoided all punctuation,
Relying on readers to sense
The cadence of the narrative).
Second, or 2. they missed
The point. I’ll write about
Moral collapse in war and
They’ll tell me, “I had a cat
Like that.” 3. They disagree
Wholeheartedly, chiding me
For making a big fuss about
Nothing, advising me to
“Get real, get over it,
Get a life.” 4. I have violated
Their notion of what everyone
Must be to be in their clique
Where everyone agrees on
What is right. Dare not question.
Like that.” 3. They disagree
Wholeheartedly, chiding me
For making a big fuss about
Nothing, advising me to
“Get real, get over it,
Get a life.” 4. I have violated
Their notion of what everyone
Must be to be in their clique
Where everyone agrees on
What is right. Dare not question.
Cross the line From that point
On you have faded from their
On you have faded from their
Field of the forgotten. At least
These I know read with
Understanding if not with
Sympathy. Hey, you punch
The keyboard and take
Understanding if not with
Sympathy. Hey, you punch
The keyboard and take
What you gets.
c. J.S.Manista, 2016
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