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Hedy Epstein, activist for civil rights, Palestinians, war protestor, Holocaust suvivor, dead at 91 |
No shame in dying anonymously,
Without pretension. Damn few
Of us will be in history books,
If they even still have books
A thousand years from now.
They’ll remember Ozymandias
Long after we’ve been forgotten.
This glorious celebrity for
Which we so devotedly hunger
Is a complete sham—utter
Illusion. Our diamond rings
Will last longer than our
Genomes. Those memorial
Foundations we establish may
Not survive the next revolution,
Much less the many after that.
But if I should be remembered
Let it be like ninety-one year
Old Hedy Epstein, Holocaust
Survivor, advocate for peace,
Palestinian restoration, arrested
For demonstrating at the Missouri
Governor’s office on behalf
Of the oppressed of Ferguson.
Escaping Nazi Germany in 1939,
She worked after the war for
The prosecution in the Nuremburg
Trials. She was active her whole
Life in civil rights and antiwar
Protests. In 2011, she was one
Of fifty passengers on the
Audacity of Hope, a U. S.
Flagged vessel attempting
To break the Israeli blockade
Of Gaza. She died of cancer.
Or like the Reverend Daniel
Berrigan, S. J., another troublemaker,
Fugitive, poet, and man of all
Around good humor, who years
Ago burned draft files in
Maryland to protest the war
In Vietnam, and who in his
Late years comforted the
Occupy protestors in Zuccotti
Park. I will give you I have no
Desire to be in the public eye
As these giants of conscience,
Not if it means I have to hide
From the law, make do with
Food scrounged from other
Protestors, and not be able to
Return home after the protest
To sleep in my comfortable
Bed with my loyal cat and dog.
When I went to Washington
D. C. in March of 2011 to join
With other Veterans for Peace
Getting arrested for failing
To quit the White House
Fence in protest against the
Iraq war and use of drones to
Kill remotely and discovered
I might have to stay the night
In the Anacostia jail without
The hundred dollars to pay
My bail, my stomach came
To my rescue by growing
Queasy, indicating that at
Least subconsciously I was
Clearly not up to the task.
Of course we’d all like to be
Remembered more as heroes
Than psychopaths, but there’s
No assurance we’ll be
Remembered at all—good
Or bad.
c. J.S.Manista, 2016
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