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Looking back on a year of daily writing. Didn't please everybody. Never meant to. |
With this statement I will
Have written an essay every
Day for a year. Varying in
Length from 300 to 500 words
(Or so) these essays fulfill my
Promise to myself and I
Unashamedly take pride in
The accomplishment. Not
Every foray is a gem but
Hunters don’t bag a buck
Every time they go out
Either. And the proverbial
Studs certainly don’t
Always score but they’re
Not going to talk much
About that. Whether you,
Dear Reader, have enjoyed
Any is of some concern,
But not my primary one.
These are all for me, though
I have fruitlessly urged them
On family, friends, colleagues at
Church, protests, demonstrations,
People I’ve bumped into on
The street, various subjects of
My musings, wait staff at diners,
Other wedding and funeral
Guests, and some with
Whom I’ve had to share a
Gutter while choking on my
Own vomit. That’s for my son
Who calls to see if I am lying
In a gutter somewhere choking
On my own vomit—to which I
Query, “Does it have to be my
Own?” I thought to increase my
Readership by passing out cards
Announcing where to find me
On the internet to all those
Mentioned above. The cards
May have been inserted into
Shoes whose soles are worn
Through, or folded over and
Placed under the short leg of
A wobbly table, or, as I once
Speculated, used to light
Damp cigars in a cold rain.
If so, I’m happy they brought
Some utility, possibly joy,
To those who improvised
Second lives for them. I never
Saw anyone use them to pry
Spinach from between their
Teeth but it’s a distinct
Possibility. No literary agents
Have called to say, “You could
Be the next S. J. Perelman,
Young man, or you could
Be the Zodiac killer.” Or, as
A colleague from my days
In stand up confided, “You’ve
Got talent for sure, but you
Need to work on timing. Just
Before the audience bursts
Into uncontrollable laughter
You should say something
FUNNY.” I really don't care
If my sole gold star is the one
I awarded myself, I’ll maintain
To my last day, “I earned it.”
c. J.S.Manista, 2016
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