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Like America took land from the native people |
Israel didn’t figure into my
Understanding until in high
School when I met Jim McC,
History geek, chunky, and
Given to a bit of a speech
Defect which had it been more
Pronounced would have been
A cross between a stutter and
A lisp. Like me, he wore
Fairly thick glasses and was
A peg or two down the economic
Ladder from the mainstream
Of the young Christian gents
Of the Cathedral Latin School.
I think he was more hip about
Anything in the historo-socio-
Politico sphere due to his father,
A veteran in Europe who
Hadn’t seen combat. Jim said
He talked about the war without
The hesitation so common among
Many of the returned servicemen
Who if they talked at all it was to
Bottles at the VFW. And Jim had
Benefitted richly from his father’s
Recollections, opinions, and
Speculations. Jim read widely
Of Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, the Irish
Rebellion. If Jim disagreed with
A history teacher on early 20th
Century happenings, it was a good
Gamble, the teacher apologized for
Error the following day. Plus he
Knew reliably if not comprehensively
From the ancients to the current day.
Politically he leaned left and
Held his own in debate which
Proved difficult between his lisp
And his stutter. We used to gather
After classes for bad coffee at a
Truly greasy spoon on Euclid a
Short walk from campus. Bob
Lectured on jazz, I tried sounding
Scientific, and Jim held forth
On history and current events.
Somehow we got onto the
Matter of Israel which was only
Thirteen years old at the time
From having seen the movie
Exodus. I had taken the flick
Uncritically and hadn’t any
Real learning about it outside
Of barely remembered religion
Class biblical history which
Terminated with the apostolic
Commission, to Rome, to all
Nations and beyond. And we
Knew enough World War II
History to have been guiltstruck
By the Holocaust. Jim warned
Us not to let guilt over the
Holocaust obscure our view
Of the new Israel which once
Was Palestine and which was
Likely to be Palestine less and
Less as the prophets of the new
Zion pronounced. People were
Driven from their homes into
Refugee camps and not permitted
To return, he told us, like we
Did to the American Indians.
Unfortunately after that shred of
True history I turned away from
The subject and for decades
Afterward paid not the slightest
Attention again until after
September 11, 2001, when I
Made the time to understand
Why the lands held by the
Palestinians shrank with
Every new map.
c. J.S.Manista, 2016
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