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Nice painting but anything like the truth? |
Do you believe in Science? Depends
On what you mean when you use
The capital S for science. If you
Mean, “Does the scientific method
Allow us to obtain useful facts
Reliably?” Sure, I’m on that train.
But if you mean, “The scientific
Method is the only reliable path
To any and all truth,” then I’ll
Let that train go and wait at the
Station. For centuries now we’ve
Enjoyed a whirlwind of discovery
Which challenges so much of
Our unscientific thinking we
Feel it only natural to question
Everything. “Question Authority”
Is a fairly straightforward rule
For maintaining independence
While annoying just about
Everyone in sight. It’s a judgment
Call to accept common practices
Out of deference to the numerous
Others who have found obedience
To be beneficial if not always
Justifiable. It’s reasonable to
Plant corn in rows as one’s
Forefathers did and we’ll learn
The reasons why once we’re
Old enough to discuss the
Matter knowledgeably with
“Those who know.” At least
If they accord us the respect
Of sincere curiosity rather than
Deem us mouthy young
Whippersnappers. But that’s
Accepted technology of which
One doesn’t find all that much
Dispute. Touch on, “Why is
Marrying your sister wrong?”
And you’re on shakier ground,
More so if you and your sister
Have been rumored to be
Especially close of late. Several
Years ago asking why marrying
Outside your ethnic group,
Nationality, and God forbid, race
Was wrong could get you at least
A bloody nose if not tarred, feathered,
And run out of town. These last
Queries were not scientific in
The manner of “Why do our cattle
Weigh less than Rancher X’s at
Round up for market?” They are
Questions of governing human
Behavior which seem more products
Of primeval understanding rather
Than contemporaneous choice.
Only now is science looking at
The roots of “accepted human
Behavior” through the lens of
Evolutionary psychology to
Explain basic morality as well
As other articles of faith which
Resist being taken into a lab.
We’re not about to test facts
About murder from letting one
Group murder and comparing
It to a control group who were
Not allowed to murder. Instead
We use the “lab of real life”
And draw conclusions from
There: Do men who were abused
As children abuse their children
At higher rates than those who
Weren’t? The studies are plagued
With selection issues—were the
Subjects chosen randomly enough
As not to determine conclusions?
Or did one look at only those
Cases supporting the “findings.”
And ultimately, if scientists
Propose humans in the main
Believe in a God because of
An inward need for reason
And order in their otherwise
Inexplicable and chaotic lives,
Does that mean there is no God?
Or that asking such questions
Has no merit because there
Is no way of testing the thesis
Scientifically? If one “believes”
In Science, there is no other
Way of knowing.
c. J.S.Manista, 2016