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We've all wondered what of our civilization would survive a cataclysmic disappearance of our species. Turns out, they'd all do very well--better, perhaps. |
For all my bitching about the
Heamidity, I’ve got to admit the
Nightly (sometimes daily) rains
Have helped some swathes of
Brown grass to green up as Loki
And I make the morning walk
Around the block. So much of
The soil in this area is just sand,
As the construction north of me
Illustrates—twenty-five feet of
It, at least, who knows how much
Further. If you’ve ever played as
A child at the beach attempting
To make a tiny pond and watched
As you poured your bucketsful
Of water sucked away quickly
Into the depths, you have a fair
Notion of the difficulty of getting
Grass to stay green through a
Summer here on the near west
Side. If you’d like a green lawn
Be prepared to churn a lot of
Topsoil, compost, peat moss
Into the surface sandy soil
And pray the tendrils of the
Grass weave that precious
Fabric underground to keep
It all from washing away.
Sadly weeds do a lot better
In sandy soil where they are
Capable of taking on whatever
Water trickles through between
The grains. They thrive in the
Parks as if tended by some
Perverse gardener who wants
To remind you, “This once was
All beach—and may be beach
Again.” The other peril of
Sandy soil (I once dated a
Sandy Soyule) is their proclivity
To form sinkholes from that
Same water washing through
The ground and carrying with it
Any loose grains until finally
There’s not enough structure
Left to support the weight above.
Could be the rains, more often in
Cities it’s leaks from poorly joined
Sewer pipes which begin the
Erosion. There are a couple such
Small areas along my path to the
Park—areas that the city periodically
Refills with dirt having a higher
Proportion of clay to only temporary
Effect. Sometimes it’s a year,
Sometimes only months, before
The depressions reappear. Mama
Nature is a tough old girl who is
Hard to beat at her own game.
I’ve read the books and seen the
Documentaries that speculate
Exactly how the world would
Deteriorate and return to its
Primeval state without our
Constant maintenance and
Rebuilding. These are humbling
Studies that show the forces
Of nature will get on very well
Without us. We are only fooling
Ourselves, like Ozymandias, to
Think arrogantly we are permanent,
Undefeatable additions to the scene.
c. J.S.Manista, 2016
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