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Obviously he wants to get into her pants. No one is that interested in your blog. |
Aging may not cause insomnia
But it sure as hell accompanies it.
So today after a back breaking
Yesterday of cutting waste wood
To liquor box size and hauling
It to the Black Hole known as
The tree lawn, I found myself
Lying awake a good portion of
The night despite the room’s
Air conditioner sparing me from
The bloody heamidity (my
Neologism or pseudo portmanteau
For that thoroughly regrettable
Combination of heat and humidity
That makes people say, “If I
Had a house in Hell, I’d rent
This place and go live there.”
So at 5:30 AM I announced to
The cat that I’d had just about
Enough of her kneading my
Chest as a signal for her to
Check out whether the
Basement was cooler than
The bedroom, and enough of
My own BPH trips to the
Bathroom, and enough of my
Aching right knee (now aching
As my left did before being
Replaced with a new titanium
Model). It’s been my note this
Writer at least does not chose
The times, places, or topics
For his work—they seem to
Appear with the ferocity of a
Boil on one’s own behind,
Which you defer at your peril
Or bounce in your chair at
The computer (can you believe
I was tempted to say “typewriter”?)
Until you feel a distinct popping
Sensation as the pus is blissfully
Released at least for this once.
That may not have been the most
Pleasant metaphor to relate though
It certainly bears a grim likeness
To the actual event of getting
Your words finally out there
For all to admire (hah!) or complain
About (far more likely, if they
Notice at all). For all we know
Someone may have already
Revealed a theory unifying
Quantum mechanics and relativity
In their humble blog which
Nobody reads but themselves—
So much for the natural affinity
Of wisdom. Nothing spreads
Without PR these days which
Is probably why Jesus thought
To appear in early Roman times
When the Sermon on the Mount
Was judged on its own merits
Not through the recommendations
Of a New York-based agent
Calling on the established
Publishers of the twenty-first
c. J.S.Manista, 2016
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