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Observers of glacial recession and of coral bleaching report coming to tears at the devastation |
In 1957 I already knew about
The dangers of CO2 accumulating
In the atmosphere which would
Cause earth’s temperature to rise.
It wasn’t because I was a nerdy
Type, prescient, and clairvoyant
For kids my age (14). I was nerdy
Though the tern was not around
At the time. I was a reader of
Science fiction and science
Articles generally which clued
Me in to coming events of
Which advances in rocketry
Were the most consuming. But
Nestled in there were astronomical
Speculations about why Venus,
Known as the “cloud-covered
Planet” would not be the jungle-
Like realm of lush growth and
Buxom Amazons we often read
About in the monthly SF ‘zines.
It turns out we nerds were not
The only ones who knew this.
The oil companies made their own
Studies* and in 1946 formulated
A public relations campaign to
Discredit what would certainly
Be findings by other scientists
In universities and government.
Their plan involved always
Raising an element of doubt
About the conclusions of such
Findings even though they knew
From their own scientists that
Worldwide harm was certain.
Unwilling to kill the geese
(Coal and oil) which laid their
Golden eggs, they callously shirked
Their responsibility to inform society
Their industries were “poison
Producers,” after a fashion, so
People could make wiser choices
And prevent the worst effects that
Came with time. They culpably lied
To keep making the easy bucks and
Resist even to this day, instituting a
“Greenwashing” of their activities
Through a campaign of distraction.**
People are already dying from the
Ill effects. They’re not drinking oil
Or eating coal but the heat of the
Three hottest summers in a row
Is preventing productive work
In many areas of the world. Drought
Is destroying their ability to grow
Food, and ancient bacteria, frozen
In the melting permafrost are
Reactivating to threaten life.***
The worn reply “Not in my generation”
Reveals the ignorance of common
Facts and the reckless lack of
Concern for the lives of their
Children. That they shared their
Strategies of denying the science
With tobacco companies threatened
With the cancer scare of the '60s
And did so through members of
Their governing boards was just
Frosting on the cake of their
Greedy deceptions.
c. J.S.Manista, 2016
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