Wednesday, July 1, 2015

20150701 (philosophy ain't science)

Philosophers can’t give you tech

No physical laws no fine formulae

To scrape on a blackboard or wipe 

From a whiteboard. Don’t expect to get

Some module for music news pulse

They might speculate 

Why it wouldn’t be good

To chip our necks with inputs or outputs

Or perhaps the reverse 

Why we should use

Our genes to prevent cure heal

But don’t expect clones that’s

Engineers’ work 

God in the sky cherry pie by and by 

Might get you to think 

Hard enough to do physical work  

Thinking can get a good man down 

Exercise biceps triceps quads and such

But cranial muscles give me a headache

Really those knots are part of a migraine

Not farfetched at all a cortexual hernia 

Everybody loves a good syllogism 

It’s the a priori-s that are all the fuss

Do we really see the world as it is

Or just the best image our senses deliver

Descartes had to find certainty for his Self

A complete waste of time

Had he been tortured with bamboo shoved 

Under his nails he’d not have a doubt

What was dream what was real

Even de Sade would have stumbled on morals

Had he been more the victim

Less the tormenter

All of the sophists who leapt 

Upon Darwin’s thinking

And came up with races

Justified exploitation of colonies

Expansions of empire what idiots

So like today’s who use quantum mechanics

To conclude things can be and not be

By mathematical signs

And find nothing remarkable 

That something comes from nothing

Just pops up like daisies then pops

Back again never quite going far enough

To ask why there is anything at all

Or why there is this and not that

Or what does it mean to understand anything

Who is just Who is loved

Why are we at all if we all die

You can’t find these on Google

And you can’t trust some maps

Who determines if sunsets sunrises

Are magnificent or drab

Who gets to work like a slave

Or hang by their thumbs

For the rest of their lives

Philosophers can’t give you tech

You may not want headaches

Many get by not asking

Questions at all

c. J.S.Manista, 2015

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