Monday, November 30, 2015

20151201 (ecological limits)

Are they going to get serious this time to reduce climate change? The time for stopping it is long passed. Real reduction means NO MORE CO2--Zip--Nada--zero. Or more empty promises?

In Paris soon if they do their job

They’ll decide how much space 

You’ll be allowed allowing of 

Course for your wealth income

And education the same could 

Be said more truly for those in 

Prison and poor they will have

Little power to resist decrees I

Don’t think they’re ready to 

Limit populations yet but more

People will get the idea that

The one child family isn’t such

A bad idea after all perhaps if

You’re not inclined to procreate

Which I understand is one of 

The favored positions you might

Sell your one-child right to some

More advantaged one who prefers

A large family and has the means 

To provide for their needs it may

Come to selling the child you’ve

Had yourself his parentage would

Be known genetic makeup and such

A used car for sure but a known

Quantity quality like a certified heap

Like an amiable adoption in which

In later age the child might have

A say in his/her future family

Considering the ecological strain each

Westerner especially Americans

Puts on the environment population

Stability if not reduction might prove

A great bargaining chip for resources

If the world swears off petroleum as

It must we’ll need new ways to get

Warm show movies get produce to

Market get goods from the ground

Change our attitudes about fashion

Newsprint textbooks magazines

Catalogs toilet paper Kleenex

We’ll need better shoes more sensible

More weatherproof we’ll be doing

Much more walking than riding

On escalators airplanes will be

Strictly for absolutely necessary

Travel deaths weddings will be 

On Skype as all business meetings

Scientific conferences reunions

You’ll need a doctor’s note to have

A pet get ready to go vegan foreswear

Meat unless you’re adept at stewing

Roadkill what with fewer cars 

There’ll be less of that forget single

McMansions in suburbs you 

Might prefer life in a couple of

Storage containers stacked up

So you won’t have to heat every

Side your neighbors will

Definitely be closer we’ll

All have to learn all over again

Being a nuisance in a tight

City won’t cut it you’ve heard

Of the tiny house movement

Those people may not be crazy

So much as getting ready for

The New World

c. J.S.Manista, 2015 

20151130 ( lab rabbits)

I think there’s something wrong 

With my rabbit Dr Gormezano

Indiana University’s Department

Of Psychology was known in the

Biz as a rat school forgotten the 

Opposite couch school head school 

Probably just non-rat school

In short they were heavy into

Lab research with animals of

Which in my brief stay varied

Among mice rats rabbits only 

The students in neurological

Studies worked with anything

As anthropomorphic as chimps

Although they were more into

Experiment slice and dice 

Test extract tissue freeze

Microtome microscope publish

The psychological approach of

Rat schools presumed no sacrifice

Except if the voltage applied to

Cage grids got out of hand 

Which would get you fired

In the mid ‘sixties Dr Gormezano

Was still examining aspects of 

Pavlovian conditioning through

Use of the conditioned response

Of rabbits’ nictitating membrane

A horizontally sliding translucent

Second eyelid which quickly

Protected a rabbit’s eye when it

Sensed movement or danger

He sewed a line through the

Insensate eyelid attached it to a

Recorder conditioned the reflexive 

Response with a puff to a tone

Place the subject in the restraint 

Very carefully before closing

The clamp over the hind quarters 

If your subject kicks he will break his

Back and have to be euthanized

I watched as carefully as possible

Noted how gently I was to fold

The hind legs into the restraint

Yet when the time came to close

The clamp on the back my rabbit

Kicked broke his back and

Bought his long sleep all the

Other students nested their bunnies 

Successfully see the first 

Lines above for my report 

Gormezano disappointed

To have to waste an animal he

Was known among the grad

Students as Face because of his

Head’s prominence I could tell

This was another sign I was in

The wrong place would be forever

Forbidden animals for research

Manista you will work with

Margaret to complete this lab

Unfortunately I was still required 

To pierce the right nictitating 

Membrane thread a line through

The left already having been 

Hooked by my partner

I vowed if I ever achieved 

Professional stature I would 

Tell Face to his face anybody 

Studying Pavlovian conditioning

As late as the mid ‘sixties was

Torturing animals and 

Locked in the past

c. J.S.Manista, 2015

Sunday, November 29, 2015

20151129 (serving, protecting)

Malissa Williams, Timothy Russell chased by 62 police cars. Thirteen police unloaded 137 rounds
into Russell's car. It was deemed impossible to determine which of the rounds fired by whom
actually killed them. Started with a signal violation in downtown Cleveland and a backfire mistaken
For gunshots. 

I was on a hill this afternoon

At Heritage Middle School’s

Parking lot where three years 

Ago Timothy Russell and 

Malissa Williams were shot

By thirteen Cleveland Police 

One hundred thirty seven times

They were unarmed I looked 

Around at those attending 

To note this anniversary

Mostly Black people family

The usual smattering of dyed-

In-the-wool lefties ax-grinding

Communists some Malcolm X

Advocates a Channel 5 news

Crew who left midway through

The speakers other leaders of the 

Protest organizing committee who 

Promised a follow-up gathering

Before the city council meeting

At Cleveland city hall next week

There’s been a lot of discussion

About the facts and the feelings

Surrounding this most disgraceful

Law enforcement fiasco how 

Russell and Williams were no 

Angels just like Trayvon Martin

Michael Brown Eric Garner

Freddie Gray before them how

No one would have died if they had 

Like Freddie Gray Michael Brown

Eric Garner Trayvon Martin

Just stopped running away from

The police or in Trayvon Martin’s

Case surrendered to George 

Zimmerman pseudo-cop

Considering the whole chase

Began with a signal violation

And a backfire mistaken for

A gunshot why did it have 

End with a Blues Brothers chase

Scene only twenty five bullets 

Fewer than the takedown

Of Bonnie and Clyde known

Armed criminals one speaker

Counted out one hundred thirty

Seven shots for drama’s sake

In actuality the racket must have 

Been enormous on that field

Echoing even till today

Police Officer Brelo who

Stood atop the hood of Russell’s

Car pumped a gunful of rounds 

Directly into the windshield

Heads and shoulders was found

Innocent of killing the two the 

Examiner was unable to determine

Exactly which of the many bullets

Had actually killed the riddled

Victims where were all the witnesses 

To this Keystone Kops misadventure 

How much did these Black lives

Matter the families split three 

Million dollars from the city

Autopsies showed Williams coked 

Out of her mind Russell drunk in

Addition it was a horrible no good 

Bad day all around for all 

God's children

c. J.S.Manista, 2015