![]() |
Land based missiles 450 |
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Carrier based missiles 300 |
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Sea based missiles 432 |
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Air launched missiles 180 |
Have we learned anything
since World War I?
How can I kill you? Let me count the ways
Nuclear annihilation ain’t
A thing of the past and I’m
Not talking about rogue states
Or terrorists with a bomb
In a suitcase no I’m merely
Pointing out we have at least
Four hundred and fifty missiles
In hardened silos on the Great
Plains pretargeted and ready
To go at the twist of a key
Under the sea there are at least
Eighteen Ohio class nuclear
Submarines cruising the
Perimeters of the European
African and Asian land masses
Each equipped with a full payload
Of twenty-four missiles waiting
Only for a few circuits to close
Before arcing to their humanity
Dense zones in our defense
Not to forget we have three
Wings of B52s maybe each with
Fifteen planes apiece equipped
With no fewer than four cruise
Missiles which can fly low
Avoid radar detection and
Successfully wipe out entire
Cities the size of Chicago and ten
Nimitz size aircraft carriers
Capable of unleashing thirty
Fighter bombers each with a
Nuclear device within minutes
Of notice suppose you’re a citizen
Of some nation other than the US
Who doesn’t jump when Washington
Says jump you know your land
Could be struck with any of these
Weapons about any time day
Or night we have shown the world
We can do exactly that many times
Over refuel fly from North
Dakota to Libya or from Georgia
To Yemen so you’re constantly
Afraid someone one day might
Say the wrong thing kill the
Wrong person join the wrong
Alliance and the possibility of
Your utter destruction looms
For you and your family your
Friends and neighbors your
Nation and its allies your
Whole section of the planet
Well within the rationale of
Our defense you don’t think
We pay for these bombs just to
Keep them on the shelf Obama
Has already told us over the
Next ten years we will be
Refurbishing their warheads at
A cost of a trillion dollars
So on this day of peace celebrating
The war that did not end all wars
Look around you it can all be
Glowing cinders in a few hours
Like the gun in the glovebox
That a child finds accidentally
Shoots himself that wasn’t the
Purpose but it was what happened
No need to worry though we're
c. J.S.Manista, 2015
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