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Are they going to get serious this time to reduce climate change? The time for stopping it is long passed. Real reduction means NO MORE CO2--Zip--Nada--zero. Or more empty promises? |
In Paris soon if they do their job
They’ll decide how much space
You’ll be allowed allowing of
Course for your wealth income
And education the same could
Be said more truly for those in
Prison and poor they will have
Little power to resist decrees I
Don’t think they’re ready to
Limit populations yet but more
People will get the idea that
The one child family isn’t such
A bad idea after all perhaps if
You’re not inclined to procreate
Which I understand is one of
The favored positions you might
Sell your one-child right to some
More advantaged one who prefers
A large family and has the means
To provide for their needs it may
Come to selling the child you’ve
Had yourself his parentage would
Be known genetic makeup and such
A used car for sure but a known
Quantity quality like a certified heap
Like an amiable adoption in which
In later age the child might have
A say in his/her future family
Considering the ecological strain each
Westerner especially Americans
Puts on the environment population
Stability if not reduction might prove
A great bargaining chip for resources
If the world swears off petroleum as
It must we’ll need new ways to get
Warm show movies get produce to
Market get goods from the ground
Change our attitudes about fashion
Newsprint textbooks magazines
Catalogs toilet paper Kleenex
We’ll need better shoes more sensible
More weatherproof we’ll be doing
Much more walking than riding
On escalators airplanes will be
Strictly for absolutely necessary
Travel deaths weddings will be
On Skype as all business meetings
Scientific conferences reunions
You’ll need a doctor’s note to have
A pet get ready to go vegan foreswear
Meat unless you’re adept at stewing
Roadkill what with fewer cars
There’ll be less of that forget single
McMansions in suburbs you
Might prefer life in a couple of
Storage containers stacked up
So you won’t have to heat every
Side your neighbors will
Definitely be closer we’ll
All have to learn all over again
Being a nuisance in a tight
City won’t cut it you’ve heard
Of the tiny house movement
Those people may not be crazy
So much as getting ready for
The New World
c. J.S.Manista, 2015
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