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Warren Jeffs, FCLDS, + his wives |
One sure way to tell someone
You don’t give a shit about them
Any more is to walk by them
In the morning and not say or
Do anything which could be
Construed as saying hello or
Hi I see you but I got something
On my mind right now and I
Can’t stop to talk keep going
As if the room were empty
Which I guess for them it is
Now that you don’t even
Register with them so much
As a speck of mouse poop
Or the noise of the neighbor’s
Radio two doors away
The Amish will all do this
As a body to someone whom
They have declared unacceptable
Violators of tribal proscriptions
Never again to be afforded
A second shot at their idea of
Full humanity the same with
The Fundamentalist Church of
The Latter Day Saints Warren
Jeffs' crowd to let young men
Of the commune know they’re no
Longer needed some old dude
Has decided to marry the girl
Who might have been the love
Of their life that’s what polygamy
Means a few guys with lots of
Wives what becomes of the
Young men who are left out
Perhaps the scales fall from their
Eyes comprehend finally it’s
A biblically based shuck and jive
Which they should have seen
Coming excommunicated they
Must walk out the gate because
They’ll never get another meal
There I would hope they get a
Chance to gather their clothes
At least maybe not their mothers
Won’t weep before the clan
Maybe in silence in the quiet
Of their corrupted consciences
Wondering what kind of God
Required a mother to give up
A son forever meanwhile the
Chosen young girl is bedecked
With flowers for the wedding
She mustn’t talk of the young
Man ever again they will put
Up with her crying a bit so long
As she restrains true defiance
Submits ultimately to the will of
The Lord as perceived in the
Crooked mind of the feared
Warren Jeffs nothing that high
Drama occurred in my case what
I had conceived as a mutual bond
Had become in my hands a rope
Still wound around me but
Hardly bearing at its free end
The curl of a knot that may
Have never been tied
c. J.S.Manista, 2015
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