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All the machines he'd installed to fight cancer not one could help him |
I really thought it was time again
To alienate those readers who are
H—-y supporters, but something
Truly marvelous, serendipitous,
Evocative just happened that I’ll
Stave my rant off another couple
Days to tell you about this instead.
I was working on taping boxes for
The move when Loki began barking.
Since the weather was so congenial
I’d left one of the front doors open
For pet exits and returns, when I
Heard along with the barking a
Woman’s voice saying something
Like, “Oooh, you’re such a cutie.
Why are you barking?” I looked
Up and a couple were at the gate
Trying to get Loki to calm down
So she might pet his head. Since
People have been stopping to
Look the house over from the
Outside I stepped off the porch
To see if they had any questions I
Could answer. We did a little
Chatting about the good weather
For a walk and soon enough
Got into a more meaningful
Exchange. She revealed they
Were here for his treatment
At the Seidman center for stage
Four adeno-cortical carcinoma
Which had developed in recent
Years and had been resistant to
All earlier measures. They were
Staying with relatives on the
Next street while in town for
His care. Ironically he worked in
Cancer care, installing at various
Hospitals and medical locations
Special “proton” based (I really
Can’t explain it) devices, I think
To kill cancerous cells by focusing
A beam on their loci. We talked
About our children, their successes
And losses—they about a gifted
Child who walked away from
Scholarships and I about Peter’s
Death at his own hands. Regular
Readers know I have often talked
About the wonderful people I’ve
Met by chance in this neighborhood.
But our exchange tonight was so
Much deeper, so more personal and
Affecting it clearly wasn’t an idle
Hi, hello moment like so many
Others. She was the picture of
Health but her conversation told
Of losing their house, being there
At his heart attack when he seemed
To have died in her presence, and
The numerous struggles they’ve
Had to make any progress against
This rare type of cancer. I don’t
Have the right words to describe
His appearance. He was thin and
His skin had a darkened tone as
His liver was making it gray
And sunken. He said one of the
Effects is difficulty remembering
Things in detail. We talked about
Believing, Job, and a God who
Doesn’t do what we think is best.
He said he couldn’t say for sure
Whether his illness was work-related
Either by radiation or being subject
To strong magnetic fields. I have
No idea how long we talked. I
Wanted for him not to get any
More tired than he looked. As
We closed, I wished them the
Best, and she said something
Very affirming: “I don’t think
We met by accident.” That
Was the marvelous part. I
Felt that way too.
c. J.S.Manista, 2016
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