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How is this woman threatening these armed men? |
Lotsa fear goin’ round. Lotsa
Fright goin’ down. Might be a bad
Moon arising. Long time friend
Observed Humvees moving in
Replete with a truckload of
Camo-draped infantry. Nervous.
Posted pic on Facebook and asked,
“This is America?” Why, yes,
Darling," yes, this is America.
At least the America of the
Republicans in Cleveland this
Week. The delegates have until
Monday to get in their seats, but
The forces flowing in are the
Army and numerous police
From nearby suburbs. One lady
Posted in response that she was
Clearly alarmed by the threats
Of armed New Black Panthers
Carrying downtown at the same
Time as skinheads carrying guns.
It's an emergency waiting
To happen. One could compare
These to the armies of France
And Germany in August,1914,
Massing along borders when
Mobilization itself was
And Germany in August,1914,
Massing along borders when
Mobilization itself was
Considered an act of war. The
Cleveland Police will be unable
To control these mobs. Thank
God, our soldiers will put their
Lives on the line for our safety.
Cut back on the caffeine, Madam.
I can’t say whether the fear arises
From “men openly carrying arms”
Or from “black men openly
Carrying arms.” I suspect the
Usual source. Tell me, after this
Week, black people have nothing
To fear from police with guns.
Did Donald Trump speak before
To fear from police with guns.
Did Donald Trump speak before
The NAACP and assure them he
Was on their side in their concerns
On police overreach? No, he passed
Up that opportunity—customarily
Afforded each presidential candidate—
Which should have been on his
Schedule. Well, he is running a
Lean campaign. Maybe his cellphone
Doesn’t have a scheduling app.
Polls are already telling the Repubs
No black votes will go to Trump.
Has he anything to woo even one
Black voter? Promise of loans to
Help George Jefferson with that
Dry cleaning dream of his? A
Cabinet post like Green Jill is
Offering Edward Snowden once
She pardons him? Or will he
Surprise everyone by committing
To help all communities, like
Cleveland, find an answer to
A recent example went down in
My old neighborhood on East 146,
Where a two-year old girl was
Struck by bullets through her leg
And head. What about a program
Offering hope to young men
And women in gangs and those
In prison? What about a plan
To weed out dangerous cops?
Or to retrain all existing officers
So people needn't fear them?
All of this, with the money to
Make it happen, to make
America great. He could.
c. J.S.Manista, 2016
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