Wednesday, July 6, 2016

20160706 (flaw)

Wiesel, flawed human being
Keillor, flawed human .

Human means being flawed

Some call it Original Sin, say 

We’re born in it. They won’t let 

Say, “Hey, I didn’t do nothing.” 

Except inexcusable bad grammar, 

No, you didn’t do nothing and no

One should say, “You’re born in

Sin; don’t deny it.” Well, that 

Approach sounds to me like

Somebody has unhealthy ideas

About sex, like none other than

St. Augustine who is famous for

Formulating the doctrine of 

Original Sin and not so famous

For enunciating, “Inter faeces et

Urinam nascimur,” which for 

Those of you not steeped in 

Church Latin rather directly 

Translates as, “Between shit and 

Piss we are born.” I can’t think

He was the first to notice although

He may have been the first to

State it so deftly. I’ve not read 

Enough Freud to give a scholar’s

Opinion, but my man-on-the-street

Speculation is that this and the 

Monthly “weeping of the womb”

Likely are the sources for men-kinds’

Discomfort with and suspicion of

All matters sexual. None of this 

Is so pertinent to my topic, though

As the second notion of Original 

Sin, “We are all fallen.” That’s a 

Lot more reasonable. Between

Starting in ignorance, trying to find 

Our way with little substantial

Guidance, and an experimental 

Attitude, yes, we’re doomed to

Muff it once in a while at best if

Not seven times daily which is the

Going standard for really good 

Guys. But two of my highly regarded

Came under the scope recently for

Failures which I learned of through

Those who watch more closely.

First, Elie Weisel, admired by many

For his telling us about the Holocaust

As he lived through its horrors, was

Criticized by Max Blumenthal for his

Associating with the fascists of the 

Right-wing Netanyahu government

In such a way as to promote hatred

Of Palestinians--counter to every

Principle Wiesel heralded as having

Learned in the Holocaust. I find the

Accusation as believeable of Wiesel

As it is of so many Israelis and

Jewish sympathizers. They act as if

The Holocaust is some free pass to

Excuse them of Zionist oppression

Both before and since the war. For 

Greater insight I refer you to many

Follow up articles about Blumenthal’s

Observations.* Avoid those that 

Accuse him as a “self-hating Jew.”

Those people are never going to see 

The light. The second case I knew a

Little bit about because I had followed

Garrison Keillor with unmeasured

Enthusiasm since first hearing about

His show and generally being pleased

With him until the last show, the

Saturday before the fourth of July.

He received a call from President 

Obama during the program and 

Appeared to minimize his own

Accomplishments to obsequiously

Lavish upon the president fawning

Praise totally beyond expectations:

“You’re just the ‘coolest’ president

And I’ve known many since Truman.”

Eventually he paused long enough to

Let the president praise him in turn.

What I didn’t know was Keillor’s

Story of the Prophet first told during

The shock and awe phase of the First

Iraq War. After he had spoken earnestly

About America, having not had a war

On its land since 1865, the citizenry

Were quite wrong to drop bomb

Another nation very far away and

Gloat over the victory. Then h

Shrank from such direct political

Critique and announced he would 

Make a life telling lies rather than the

Truth. Truth-tellers, prophets, became

Despised of the people for telling them

What they did not want to hear. And

That was not his aim—to tell truths

People did not accept. Rather he would

Tell stories—lies pleasant enough 

To amuse—which unlike the heroic

Path of the truth would keep his 

Audience and show going.**

c. J.S.Manista, 2016

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