Saturday, August 29, 2015

20150829 (Katrina fatigue-American style ethnic cleansing)

Person who died at the dome and convention center, covered, and left to
rot with the living by governments, city, state, federal, scandalously unpre-
pared for an event they knew would some day come. In the ten years since
corruption and racial bias spent the money provided in improvements to
commercial and overwhelmingly white areas which did not suffer as much.
The 100,000 black occupants were flung to adjacent states, given no help
to return or rebuild

Ten years ago the world watched 

Humankind signaling desperately 

From the roofs of their houses 

Flood waters having pushed them 

Into attics hands tore at weak spots 

Until they’d made a hole 

Large enough to crawl out

Everything below a complete loss

Possibly a family member missing

How they stayed for days without food

Water everywhere filled with feces

They waited for boats helicopters

To lift them away the clothes

On their back likely soiled 

Badge of victim status

Dependent for everything on

Strangers yet by comparison

With those sequestered in the 

Superdome convention center

The evacuated truly were blessed

Extracted from wreckage given 

Dry clothing meals access 

To a toilet stripped of every good 

At least retained some dignity 

As the dome’s convention center

Shelter space quickly festered 

Open sore of mislaid people

Given nothing but empty promises

Hungry thirsty crying babies 

Children to whom parents could not

Explain why after a horrific week

Of torment in darkness then marched

Into buses by helmeted armed abusive

Soldiers as if by existing they

Had done something wrong 

Now to be punished taken to unfamiliar

Far away cities dropped like hot bricks 

Told to manage without funds without meds

Penniless recordless refugees thrust

Without planning onto unprepared 

Foreign charities soon overloaded 

They couldn’t know if they still had jobs 

Any claims for their losses 

Their government saviors underfunded 

Run by a dunce rewarded for gathering

Campaign money for the dunce-in-chief

Botched almost all they attempted

The dominant local racial hatred

That for years sought to be rid of them

Seized every opportunity to block

Their path red-tape every relief

Dehumanized them before the nation

Who for a week watched in horror

Then overcome by Katrina fatigue 

Forgot them moved on 

To who knows what

But it doesn’t end there 

What unfolds is unbelievable 

Deceit corruption vanity theft of the help 

First ordained for the suffering

But given only to those who remained 

Wretched thousands thrown to the diaspora 

Were cheated of any possible help

New Orleans hoped they'd just

Stay out of sight

c. J.S.Manista, 2015 

For those who need reminding read the article linked:

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