Monday, April 11, 2016

20160415 American dream)

How much space, food, money,

Fame, sex do you really need?

And there are numerous variations

On the same theme: how fast 

Or stylish or rare a car? How 

Many homes, how many different

Places? If you’ve got a chauffeur,

A midtown penthouse, with a 

Lavish bath, wine storage, a chef,

Do you really need the pied de

Terre in Paris or the villa atop 

Capri? What would kids do in

Places like that except get

Bored silly, waste their lives in

Drink and drugs with absolutely

Nothing to challenge them?

Maybe it wouldn’t be that bad.

Maybe they’d be fascinated by

Public health battles in countries

Rife with malaria, African River

Blindness, malnutrition, infant

Death. Lawyers, scholars or

They’d discover themselves

Scraping the dirt in a Nebraskan

Family farm living the simple

Life in joy over farm fresh

Eggs for breakfast, fish from

The swimming hole, grooming

Their horses in the barn. What if

You found la dolce vita a tad

Wearisome after a few years, 

Your friends self-centered and

Shallow, interested in you only

For the parties and the gifts.

Your wife, if you kept one,

Has lost her sparkle, is devoured

By lunches, shopping, and 

Travel, she (or they, if you’ve

Exes) only remind you of your

Aging, younger women are 

More imaginative, lively,

And avoid saying things that 

Tell you of waning power?

Nothing anymore returns the 

Joy you knew in earlier years 

When climbing, conquering, 

Gambling against fortune, 

And winning. You can’t 

Go back to the old town of 

Your roots, your friends, you

Wouldn’t recognize it. Your 

Friends have moved on too.

Some died, one in jail, the

Others might not remember

You, not remember fondly.

What if you turned around,

Left it all, gave it to a trust

To support the clinic in

Zimbabwe, the one your

Kid (or someone’s kid)

Founded and ran before

The rebels killed him by

Accident in a drunken spree?

What if you had one last party

And disappeared the next day

To some rural town in the midwest

Where you, your wife (if you

Asked and she came along)

Would raise free-range chickens,

Grow a vegetable garden and

Flowers, join a church, serve 

As mentors to the young, and 

Planned for very small funerals 

Open just to family, a few local


c. J.S.Manista, 2016

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