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Not a pleasant dream by my lights |
If they judged us by our dreams
We’d all be crazy, no? Does anyone
Have pleasant dreams? From my
Asking very few even dream. Or
Do they just not admit it for fear
Of what people might think? Jean
And I frequently shared our dreams.
She had very movie-like dreams.
She told me when she woke up to
Go to the bathroom, the dream would
Resume on her return to bed as if
She had hit pause on TIVO (actually
She would have hit pause on a
VCR—but who remembers those?).
And Jean had pleasant dreams if I
Recall rightly her telling me about
Them. What you get with an honest
Heart and a guiltless soul. I, on the
Other hand (or side of the bed) fell
Off my side from frequent thrashing
During dreams. She didn’t report me
Snoring because she slept soundly.
I wondered if sometimes she cued
Up dream-movies by thinking about
Films before she hit the sack. I mean,
Come on, she talked about musicals,
For heaven’s sake. Who can believe
That? Maybe she lied all those years.
If so, I wished she’d left a note or
Confession hidden somewhere I
Could find afterwards if she died
(Or predeceased me), as they say in
The biz. No note so far. I have to
Think she was telling the truth.
Although who knows about your
Dreams? They’re not inside your
Head with you. “You’re embellishing”
“How do you know? You weren’t
There.” Maybe some day with
Electro-stimulation of our brains
Scientists will be able to excite
Dream content as they now do
Memories. Of course since they
Won’t (?) see them we could still
Embellish. God protect the
Neurologist who probes my cortex
For dreams. Two or three visions
Of walls and ceilings closing in
While lizards snap at genitalia
Will hopefully get him (her?) to
Move the probe to another area—
Where former bosses assign me
Impossible tasks and threaten
My livelihood should I not come
Through. Then again they might
Hit on the specters of nuclear
Annihilation—my own peculiar
Form of the walking dead, or
Escapes from Viet Cong through
Booby-trapped jungles or tunnels
Savagely dark and damp until
A flamethrower or hand grenade
Crisps all flesh in sudden light
And chest crushing sound,
Which replays a couple times
For good measure. Just about
Then I’d settle for a nice clean
Auto accident, crash and silence.
But not for me. It’d be clear
Consciousness of severed limbs,
Passengers crying (like young
Soldiers in war movies) for
God to kill them to end the pain.
“You’re embellishing.” No, I’m
Not. Listen I already take two
Meds daily just to stay above
Depression. I’m grateful they
Work most of the time to keep
Such dreams away. I could
Use a pleasant dream every once
In a while—even musicals if
I could get them. But not Disney
Princess flicks. I’d take lizards
Snacking on genitalia over that.
c. J.S.Manista, 2016
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