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Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) for 03/16/16--Phoenix or Holy Spirit? |
As an avid follower of APOD
(Astronomy Picture of the Day),
One of my treasured bookmarks,
And a professed Christian, I
Reacted to their recent photo
For March 16 with a totally
Less-than-sophisticated, “That’s
The Holy Spirit hovering over
The North Pole,” rather than
Their acceptably secular image
Of a Phoenix rising. My reaction
Astonished but did not surprise
Me. As a lifelong Christian with
An early Catholic parochial
Upbringing, long familiar with
The many depictions of the
Holy Spirit as a dove poised
Above the heads of many a
Saint, if I hadn’t thought of
The Third Person of the Trinity
Would have been more surprising.
And as a student of psychology
I also understand there is nothing
Mystical in these resemblances.
“Jesus Appears on a Slice of Toast”
Probably happens somewhere in
The world maybe once or twice
A day, given how much toast is
Prepared and whether the consumer
Looks at the slice before buttering
It. Seeing the patterns we do is a
Remarkable feature of our visual
Perception somewhat similar to
My hearing yesterday “Michael,
Row the Boat Ashore” playing
From St. Patrick’s chimes at noon
For St. Patty’s Day. I’m not that
Far away (two blocks) but depending
On the wind I could have heard
Some sounds better than others
And just filled in the blanks—
Which is how stereotyping works.
The evolutionary benefit of
Hearing a sound and thinking
“Sounds like a tiger following me
In the jungle,” makes us far likelier
To survive and pass on our genes.
In fact if you’ve ever taken a
Hearing test (as so many of us
Husbands have in response to
Their spouses urging, “Can you
Not hear me?”) you’ll observe
The boundary for hearing the
Sound is set not when we hear
Definitively but when we more
Often than not report hearing it.
Another linked phenomenon of
Perception is synesthesia in
Which subjects report certain
Musical notes, or alphabetic
Letters as having a visual color
Component—not that they see
C sharp as "yellow" but sense it
With repeated consistency. In
Fact such synesthetes report
Thinking everyone perceives
That way until specifically
Addressing the issue with a
Person not similarly affected.
I’ll not know what tone my dog
Hears with his greater range.
Just the same as APOD must
Render radio astronomy pictures
Within the color spectrum we
Can see. Their choices are
Arbitrary for such images unlike
Their exaggeration of spectral
Colors which correspond to
Glowing Hydrogen or Helium.
Those standing to see the aurorae
A thousand miles away from
Reykjavik, would not have seen
Either the Phoenix or the Holy
Spirit, so what you see is not
Necessarily what you get. Pass
The toast, please, I just can’t
Bring myself to butter the Lord.
c. J.S.Manista, 2016
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